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Sat, 1 Jun 1996 02:33:22 -0700
text/plain (19 lines)
Hi FML'ers,
This is to all FML'ers and Jessica Woodward, I have the phone number to
Marshall Farms so if anyone cares to order a santa suit or anything just
call Marshall Farms and they will set you up.  I warn all people that most
items are way to large for our fuzzys but this is my account as my stuff was
to big for my baby!  I never heard anything on my post on the ecto-spray for
treating ferrets for fleas.  I would love to hear from anyone if they think
its a safe prouduct?  It seems to work on my fuzzball very well, let me know
gang if you know of this foam spray, got to run its almost 3am so take care
of the fuzzys and give em a big hug.
Sorry gang, I forgot two give the phone number to Marshall Farms and feel
like a klutz for leaving everyone wandering so here it is:
Sorry again guys its way to early in morning for me :)
[Posted in FML issue 1588]