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Fri, 31 May 1996 18:20:47 -0400
Jessica Woodward <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
Well, I have been, and still am, on vacation for the past two weeks.  I
still have 10 FML isssues to catch up on.  But I have a few questions, and
comments, so I figured I had better speak up before I forget (which is all
together too likely).
First, to Danya: You are wonderful!  I cannot believe all of the work you go
throught to keep these little fuzzbutts alright.  ESPECIALLY in Ca.  These
precious creatures are VERY lucky that they ended up in your hands.
Next item, the rainbow bridge.  As you know, my fathers ferret, Chico, died
about a month ago.  She had a bad bout with ECE (we think) and just never
made it back to normal.  It was sudden, since we thought she was getting
better.  Anywho, padre is sick about it still, and I know that when he plays
with the other two (Polly and Freud), he gets sad.  Who can balme him???
But, his birthday is coming up, and I was looking for something for that
hard-to-shop-for-padre that most of us have.  He wanted a new fert, but
after all of the ECE, we thought it would be best to wait till Christmas
before buying a new one, or even rescuing another one.  (Sorry, I know I am
babbling)Blah, Blah, BLAH, I think I recall seeing a poem about the rainbow
bridge somewhere, maybe on WWW.  I thought perhaps writing the poem out in
Calligraphy, illusturation it and putting a photo of Chico in it for my dad.
You know, an in memory of thing.  Does such a poem exist, and if so, where
can I get it?
Modern Ferret.  When does it come out again?  I am VERY interested in the
article on starting shelters.
Gina: I cannot wait till the Pgh.  Ferret Picnic.  If you need help, let me
And, just an update for you: My two new adoptees, LadyJane and Mr. Squid
are doing fine.They are digging up my moms new carpet near closed doors, but
other than that are the most wonderful ferts around.  And, I am here in
Tennessee, visiting my SO, and little Legend.  Boy, has she grown.  SHe is
still a toe biter, but basically a sweet little thing.
Dooks to all!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1587]