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Thu, 30 May 1996 22:03:21 -0500
marianne! <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
again, a million dooks and hugs to the many many ppl who sent me email with
advice to periscope - too many to list here but i appreciate you all so
much!!  periscope seems to be on the road to recovery... her poop today
actually has a shape to it and is light brown (who else could i say things
like that to?  *grin*) her temperature is back to normal and she is not
dehydrated.  im bringing her back tomorrow for a check up.  i doubt if it
was ece, the vet doesnt think so.  maybe just a flu, with the combination of
stress at the arrival of a little new ferret, or a piece of the insole she
got to.  who knows!  this is the "treatment" i gave her, a little variation
on the basic duck soup recipe: 1/2 cup kitten food, water to soften, 1/8 cup
strawberry ensure, dollop of "KittyVite" (high calorie supplement for cats -
i couldnt find nutrical anywhere but was assured kittyvite is similar),
ferretone (one squeeze) and one phillip's "Vetzyme" pill.  mix in blender.
Then during the day she has a little dish of fruity pedialyte, and 2 more
vetzyme pills.  (basically brewer's yeast pills... the description says
"vetzyme vitamin rich yeast contains the b vitamins and nutrients essential
for vitality and sturdy growth.  vetzyme guards against nervousness, poor
coat, skin trouble and loss of appetite.  Aids convelescence".) then she has
the medicine the doctor provided... a nightmare giving that to her..  she is
eating ok but she hates getting food on her face/whiskers and after each
bite slides her face around on her blanket :)
anyway i will update again, meanwhile thank you thank you to all!!
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[Posted in FML issue 1586]