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Mon, 20 May 1996 04:12:12 EDT
Dayna Frazier <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (75 lines)
Everybody,..I NEED your experience and info and recommendations and
ideas...Vets too if You would help on this one...
Q and A later please... and I will answer any questions you might wish to
pose...suffice to say I have been in the underground R & R [repair and
relocate] Biz for over 18 years about 50 miles north of my present location
and have operated right under 'the Big Bosses' noses for that period and
elsewhere many years before that... I make a chameleon look like a red
sports car at a funeral... so you cn mesure my reguard for you folks from my
coming into the relative open to ask for Help like this... I am a peacel
critter and no threat to anyone... but... my little ones cannot be placed in
jeproady without upsetting a fair sized group of past associates that have
no such gentle philosophy in them... [for that reason and] for the only
really meaningful reason I cannot handle this situation without trying for
answers we just don't have...
to all who have told me...beware the internet...don't place trust without
ample prior contact and then only when absolutely necessary... Thank You for
those warnings and admonitions...BUT...this IS necessary...
With all that said and over....Here is what I desperately need!
Meds/doses/treatment regemin for two seperate critical cases.
1.  First and Second degree [with a very small area of third degree] burns
over 35-40% of the skin surface.  cause - an ignited inflammable substance -
probabl7y gasoline, kerosine, or paint thinner.  area affected - tail, back
legs, and up center of back to shoulder saddle, very small incursion in
genitile region... urinary and bowel systems are functional with some pain.
present condition: semi comatose, with first stage shock ...vitals are
fluctuating and altho breathing is unimpaired the cardio pulmonary system is
unstable.  possible heat or smoke damage to lungs...unknown at this time.
oxygen is being administered [in moderation as needed] and an I.V.  is
running with simple saline compounded with 2% ringers.  Temperature is being
regulated and controlled.  burns will require debridement [minimal] and
surface cover for a minimum of 10 days to approach complete surfacing
without grafting...
Ok...there it is in a nutshell.... And I haven't a clue what pain meds,
shock meds, salves, locals, zip to use... please answer thru the list or
directly via e-mail with any onfo, suggestions etc.  you
Number 2 - severe chemical burns ...caused by prolonged saturation with
highly concentrated chlorine bleach... affected area.front 40% of body.
both eyes far beyond help...they have been surgically removed and the areas
packed while awaiting instructions as to whether to close the lids now or
delay until healing has commenced.  burns are second degree in the main...
again...simple saline with 2% ringers running...oxygen, temperature
controlled, however this one is attempting to rally from deep shock and has
had two periods of fiberlation [reduced] and is very unstable.  the chemical
has been nuetralized and the burned areas are clean altho severly inflammed
and lymph loss is significant.  fluid loss and surface stabilty are being
controlled with 'spider silk' as found in battle dressing field units used
in remote areas.
again...any ideas, experiences, stuff you have seen - read, heard about,
meds.  administration protocol, treatment regimin.  proceedures.  anything..
I am /we are flying in the dark here Gang.... and where we are [the great
ferret felon state] there is no one to call and no place to turn...even Doc
freely admits burns are just not something he has any expertise in and burns
can kill with ease and great agony... just a pain med appropriate for the
physical conditions would be a tremendous help...these kids are semi
comotose but that can't last forever and I have no intention of them waking
up to the suffering they will have if I can't reduce their pain threshhold
drastically in the next 12 to 24 hours.
Please  help me help these little ones...  please...
 dayna frazier   102046,3162
 "Worry is the interest we pay on the trouble we borrow!"
[Posted in FML issue 1576]