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Tue, 30 Apr 1996 20:51:01 -0700
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Hi everyone! I'm a fairly new FMLer and I have a couple of questions for the
more experienced
....I seem to have managed to expose my two ferrets to ECE or some similar
virus.  It began with vomiting(of short duration), progressed to a mucousy,
clear to beige diarrhea, some lethargy and culminated with the deep green,
seedy stools.  My 5 mos. old female, Molly, came down with it Monday AM.  I
promptly whisked her off to the vet, who, of course, knew absolutely nothing
about ECE.  I provided the FAQ, but he really didn't seem very interested.
Aside from a little abdominal tenderness and stiffness, he said she looked
"just fine" and prescribed Clavamox(.2 cc 2x daily).  Today, she was back to
her normal, energetic self.  She does eat a little, drink a little etc.  and
aside from a momentary, slightly dizzy appearance this morning, she now
seems fine.  Except for the ever-present green, smelly stool.  I was under
the impression that lethargy was a very common symptom of ECE and wonder if
this is possibly a milder form of it or possibly something else.  I spoke to
another FMLer today and one of her's had similar symptoms that went away in
just a few days.  She also mentioned that a "mini" ECE type virus seemed to
be going around and I wonder if any others out there had experienced it?  My
2 1/2 year old started this AM with the same, so it's definitely contagious
in nature.  I brought three baby fuzzies home from the petstore on Saturday
and they are perfectly healthy.  I realize that kits can be carriers, but
the petstore checked with the breeder(Peterson's in Minnesota or Montana)
and they swore that none of their ferrets had ever been exposed to ECE.
They said the Canadian breeders were having the problems, and that it hadn't
travelled that far south yet.(Sure it hasn't!) I really tried to isolate the
kits AMAP, but when your dealing with curious ferrets, that can be next to
impossible.  I swore I would never buy another petstore ferret for just this
reason.  Unfortunately, sometimes they are just too cute and irresistable to
pass up.  I have the same weakness for fudge brownies!  Please, no flames!
I knew the risks and all I can plead is temporary insanity.
Next question: During his exam, the vet found Teddy's baby teeth to be a
dark pink in color.  I'm not sure about the permanent teeth that are coming
in...Any ideas why this would be?  I know that if human babies are exposed
to Tetracycline, then their teeth are much darker in color.  TIA for any
info you may have to offer...I really feel grateful to have such a valuable
resource to turn to, and I've really learned quite a bit just by lurking for
the past month or so.  Look for me on the irc.prospero.com.  I'm
Toothfairy(dental hygienist by day, irc junkie by night!
BIG, I hope this wasn't too long! I expect you'll let me know if it
is! <g> = )
Bye for now!
Dodie: Ugh, NOOOOO! It's the dreaded greenies! I'm so stupid!
Gary: Three more! Are you out of your mind?!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gidget: I liked it better when I was a lone fuzzy!
Molly: Bring 'em on, I'll show 'em who rules the roost around here!
Teddy: I was just too cute and sweet to pass up! Look, pink teeth, Mom!
Fozzy: I'm a silver mitt! Aren't I adorable? Dook,Dook!
Peanut: I'm a Knuks lookalike, see my gray stripe? I'm the cutest!
[Posted in FML issue 1555]