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Mon, 22 Apr 1996 22:59:41 +0200
"Theo v. Werkhoven" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
Hi all,
last week I saw this really cool documentary on the Brittish telly about
stoats.  These small (1.5 lbs) weasel-like creatures are so cute to see play
(and hunt).  They do war-dances like our ferts and they are experts in
hiding stuff (mostly 1/2 rabbits) aswell.  But that isn't all, they are very
agile tree-climbers too, -birds, beware of your eggs-.  It was amazing to
see them chase and kill a rabbit more then double their size and then drag
it to their litter...  I don't want my li'l darlins to see that example and
try it with fdi agents!
The weather was great here in Holland in the weekend, with temp's up to 75F,
so I took Tasha and Kira out for a walk to a leisure area nearby.  It was
the first time on strange grounds for these two, and they seemed to like
snorkeling in the grass, digging in the sand and meeting all these curious
dog-owners.  Most of the dogs they had with them were less thrilled at the
sight (and probably smell) of my two.  They (the dogs) barked and growled a
lot but stayed well away from my two Velocifuro's.
Only one problem with walking my ferts: they keep escaping from their
H-harnesses.  However thight I make the neck-collar, they still manage to
first get the front legs through the collar and then the rest of the body.
Sometimes I'm putting a harness on one fuzzy while the other one is taking
her's off already...
Here's a question that I haven't seen here yet: from what I read in a Dutch
book about ferrets I understand it's easier for them to get their backs hurt
then a more 'compact' build animal like most cats and dogs.  My two go up
and down the stairs a lot and I wonder if this could give them problems at
an older age?  They are 7 months now and racing up and down like F-16's.
Though sending some $$ over the pond takes some time I'd like to contribute
for the sake of a fert in distress.  Whereto?
Re: rolled up carpet for play; great fun here, I have a piece that I use in
different ways.  It's about 10' long, 3' wide.  Sometimes I roll it up over
the wide side to give me (them) a long tube to chase each other around, or I
roll it up over the long side to lay in the closet so they have an extra
hidey-hole or place to crash if things get too hectic (I'm pretty crazy
while playing, even by their standards...).
Re: bed snorkeling: great fun too, specially with one fuzzy on top of the
quilt and one underneath.  It makes them crazy when I 'attack' from above
while they are under.
One more thing before I go: Tasha and Kira are 8 months old in two weeks,
and they don't shed yet eventhough we're well into spring and they're not in
heat yet either.  Should I worry?
Take care folks.
Theo (stop pesting those poor doggies you rascals you)
Kira (I haven't done anything (yet))
Tasha (No harness is going to keep me in man, no way)
[Posted in FML issue 1547]