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Mon, 22 Apr 1996 08:54:49 -0600
Leslie Giles <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
I thought the Dave Barrie (Barry?) article was GREAT!  Was that one of the
list member's ferrets who called 911?  I remember someone mentioning their
ferret calling 911, but I'm not sure if this is the same instance.
Paw Paw.....Can't wait to read your Sci Fi.  Suggestion, though--You should
take a Tater, Odie, Mee Maw and Paw Paw adventure and have it illustrated
for a children's book.  What a cute story that would be...I know I would buy
it and I don't even have any kids.  (except the ferts, that is.) That way,
you get the best of both worlds--your sci fi adventures, plus your "ferret
tales." In fact...maybe your series could be entitled "ferrety tales," for
the children in all of us!  Can you tell I am already lining up for a signed
copy of a 1st edition?!  What a great way to educate the public on our fine
friends too.
Motorized Ball Alert.  We bought one of those motorized balls that rolls
around on its own.  The ferrets liked it "ok." Well, I made the mistake of
leaving it on in their room to entertain them while I packed for a trip--and
boy what a surprise I got later.  One of the ferts had pooped outside of the
litter box and the ball had smooshed it and rolled around the room smearing
ferret poop all over the base boards of the walls, on the carpet, etc!  I
mean this thing went all over three quarters of the edge of the room at
least....I think the ferts were pleased to provide such a fun cleanup game
for Mom.  Yuck.
Bandit, the obvious bad pooper  (Oh, boy...can I play too, Mom?)
Phantom, the secret stealth bomber (snicker, snicker,  tee hee!)
Dirk, the wonderful husband (I'm not cleaning that up!)
[Posted in FML issue 1547]