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Fri, 19 Apr 1996 09:09:30 -0700
Richard Beveridge <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Never having lived in Ontario with ferrets may make my observations a little
slanted, however spending MANY years in law enforcement lets me look at this
situation a little differently than many of you.  There are many laws and
rules that govern our daily lives.  Some make sense, some don't.  Some are
enforced, some aren't.  Some are .....just on the books.  Did you know that
you could be fined $2000.00 for swearing in public in Canada.  The usual
fine is $50.00 but 99% of the time the police ignore it.You could be
sentenced to live imprisonment for break and entry to a house.  Usual
penalty is probation first time.  A lot of laws are there.....just in case
there is a problem.  Which means ( assuming common sense prevails....which
it usually does) if you have a ferret in your home.....doesn't tip cows,
doesn't chew off babies faces, and whose only crime is stealing hearts and
socks....  then you don't really have a problem.  (note to BIG...see I used
the word 'ferret' at least once in this post making it ""legal"").  Want to
test the theory??  Go down to the local police/animal control office in
person.( works better than on the phone) Be polite, and ask this question; "
I have a friend who has a ferret and as long as the ferret doesn't do
anything wrong ( cow tipping etc) are the police going to come and arrest me
( oops use the word friend) and destroy the ferret?.  BTW when you go into
the office, look for an older (read "more wiser" )officer, someone who will
use common sense and not just read what's in the Book.  I would suspect the
officer will say something like this " Well.......your friend really
shouldn't have a ferret ( he/she will wink at you here), but as long as it
doesn't come to our attention, I don't think (wink here again) your friend
has anything to worry about.  ( two winks here).  Note :I have been wrong
before....I voted for "Lyin Brian" when he was elected.  So if I'm
wrong.....deposit flames directly to me and I'll eat my words.
regards from the west coast!
[Posted in FML issue 1544]