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Thu, 11 Apr 1996 09:19:34 -0500
Dee McNally <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
Hi all,
I have gotten a couple of inquiries about the ferret slippers - I'm working
on them.  So far I have only checked out prices and put some thought on
design, but I hope to maybe start a pattern next week.  I have several class
projects due Monday, so hopefully things will lighten up a little before
Also, I have noticed mention of badges several times on the FML.  If anyone
is interested, my mom has a button maker.  I can't remember how big of
buttons it makes, but if I could get some supplies and a pattern, I could
probably make some.  I will check the size, and price of supplies.
Meanwhile, let me know what you think.
Alexander and Roxana sends a great big kiss and bite, respectively.
Roxana's biting is getting better - she is learning that I will bite back.
My husband is discouraged however, both Alexander and Roxana bite him, but
they don't really bite me.  I keep telling him that he's the Fun Daddy, and
I'm the One-Who-Puts-Food-In-Their-Stomachs Mommy.  They just know better
than to bite the hand that feeds them!!!
As for the interacting, I think that, since they both have a vet appointment
next Saturday, maybe I will see if we can't let them together at the vet's
office.  She seems to know something about the interaction of ferrets, so
maybe she could help us by letting them dook it out in her office, with her
present.  Since we don't really know what to look for, maybe some experience
will help.
See ya!!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1536]