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Mon, 8 Apr 1996 01:10:57 -0400
Tony Gondick <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Recently I purchased another ferret to accompany my other ferret Wilber.
Wilber is a sable who just turned "1" last Saturday!  Rafiki, is light in
color with dark guard hairs and a white line down the middle of his head.
Rafiki is also one year old.  My question pertains to how rough Rafiki plays
with Wilber.  I followed a lot of suggestions from other ferret owners who
introduced, successfully, another ferret into the household.  I introduced
both ferrets to one another, supervised their play, separated them, and did,
what I thought, was necessary.  Unfortunately, Rafiki plays rough.  I know
that the previous owners of Rafiki also had a dog and I wonder if this has
something to do with how rough he plays.  This roughness only occurs when
they are playing.  When Wilber and Rafiki sleep together they share the same
hammock and cage.  There isn't any kind of problem then.
My other concern is that when they do play, Rafiki sometimes pulls Wilber
around by his neck or head.  Is this common?  Wilber is twice the size of
Rafiki and yet takes, what looks to me, the abuse.  Also, Wilber squeals
when he plays with Rafiki.  Not the high pitched squeal of him being hurt
but a squeal none the less.  Wilber also makes an exhaling noise when he
plays with Rafiki.  Is this normal?  While this is going on Rafiki is making
his "happy ferret noise" of clucking.  I'm beginning to worry that I may
have made a mistake buying Rafiki.  Rafiki has had all of his shots and has
a wonderful color on him and I would hate to lose him.  But, Wilber is my
pride and joy, my baby.  I don't want him to get hurt either.
What can I do?  Should I wait some more to see if things work out, or
should I see if I can find a home for Rafiki?  Please e-mail me with
your comments to:
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Any suggestions WOULD be appreciated!  Thank You.
Tony Gondick
[Posted in FML issue 1532]