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Sun, 24 Mar 1996 09:48:11 -0500
LeeAnn Mikula <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (82 lines)
Hi all you ferretity folks!  Just wanted to let you in on the good news.  It
happened like this.
My niece, Lori, (who has two fuzzies herself) called me up yesterday
(Saturday) telling me about a little girl with unusual markings.  She was a
sable, but had a white stripe down her head.  She was one of two fuzzies
left on Friday night at one of the pet stores I frequent.  I started
whimpering, telling her I hated her because she knows I have no self control
(you just can't stop yourself from getting them, ya know?).  Well, the brat
was laughing her fool head off at my crumbling self-control (I told her in
no uncertain terms I was stopping at the three I had, Period!).  Then I came
up with this brilliant idea.  I told her I wouldn't go unless *she* drove
(figuring her car was in use by her SO).  Yeah, well, you just know what's
coming next.  Just when you figured out a way of avoiding something, it
*always* backfires.  So in a few minutes, she picks me and the ferret
carrier up and off we go.  All the way there, I kept telling her that since
the little girl was so cute, she MUST be gone by now.  Right?  Huh!  No such
luck.  We walk in, and lo and behold, there she is sleeping away with her
only other companion.  *Sigh* Ok, I give.  I'll go get a sales person.  The
lady comes in, opens the cage, wakes her up and hands her to me.  You know
what the little one did, don't you?  I figure she was in cahoots with my
niece, Lori.  She looked up at me with these beautiful brown eyes, licked my
hand a time or two, and snuggled into my coat.  *whimper* Ok, ok.  I know
when I'm beat.  I hand her to Lori who, by the way, is grinning like a
Cheshire Cat, and go off in search of a color-coordinated color with a bell
(can't have her clashing with the boys, can I?).  Found one to my liking, so
off we go, ferret and collar in hand to pay for the little fuzz-face and
fashion necessity.  With that done, I was dropped off at my place, while
Lori went home to get her two.  I let Little One sniff around (by now she's
in high gear with her batteries all charged).  I introduce her to the other
three.  You'd think they were all raised together.  By that time, Lori and
her monsters were back and we were talking, watching all the hoopla (Six
exploring.  What a great sight to see!), and she said she was at this other
pet store and fell in love with two little ones herself.
Now I don't know about you, but I was always taught that one *good* turn
deserves another.  I tell her I think she should show me these visions of
cuteness.  She smiles, telling me her car is, unfortunately, in use by her
SO, so she, gosh darn it all, doesn't have transportation.  I smile back at
her and tell her of course I would take her there!!  Why should I be having
all the fun with my new addition.  So, off we go to another pet store.  All
the way there, she keeps telling me that the two most certainly must be gone
by now (sound familiar?).  I smile and tell her not to worry!  Have faith!
Sure enough, both were there.  Now isn't that a stroke of luck!  She picks
one up and starts to play with him.  I see a sign saying that the little
sable with a blue X on his belly is sold.  Wouldn't you know, that was the
one she was holding.  Well, not to worry as she saw the other one there too.
He was sleeping in a plastic log.  I reach over, gently up-end the log and
out tumbles three fuzzies.  As I reached for the one she wanted, what peers
up at me but this cute little pink nose, the whitest face I ever did see,
and adorable red eyes.  Wait a minute!  I already bought one today!  I don't
even like albinos.  Yup, you guessed it.  She came over to me, I picked her
up and felt some of the softest fur imaginable.  (I didn't know they came
with rabbit fur as an option!) She snuggled too (you're picking up on my
soft spot, aren't you?  They sure are!).  *sigh* Why me?
The other purpose of this little jaunt was to get the brand name of the cage
she wants to buyto see if we can get it direct from the company.  I tell her
I think we should go check it out.  She looks at me and says "With these
guys?" Such a silly question.  I said "Do you want someone else to buy that
little bundle of cuteness?"  A rhetorical question, I know.
Anyway, to make an already long story just a tad shorter, I now have two new
additions to my original little family of three (three ferts, anyway--I
won't even tell you what the cats said to me when I brought the fuzzies
home).  So, I'm pleased to introduce to you my entire fert family: Scooter,
Skeeter, Gizmo (these were the originals), Snowball (albino, but you already
knew that, right?) and last, but certainly not least the as-yet un-named one.
Just had to tell you all since the only people that understand my
*irrational* behavior is other fert people!
LeeAnn (I'm stopping now!  No more!  Well, ok, but just one more!  Six is my
Scooter (Geez, Mom, don't you have any self-control?)
Skeeter (I don't care how many you bring home, I'm still the most cuddly!)
Gizmo (YES!  New Toys!!!  Look!  They move and everything!  Thanks, Mom!)
Snowball (Let's Play!!!)
Un-named Little One (You guys are in BIG trouble. I'm gonna rule this clan!)
Timothy & Thaddeus (We thought you were a cat person, Mom.  What happened?)
[Posted in FML issue 1518]