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Sat, 2 Mar 1996 11:36:22 -0800
Ken Loomis <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
We are most regretful that we must report that we have thus far been unable
to complete our FDI training assignments.  We are most thankful for the
detailed descriptions we found in the "How to Identify FDI Agents, Felines,
Cats, Kitties, Puddy-Cats, etc." chapter of our recently received "Training
Maunal for Junior FLO Agents".  But, in the words of our,
"Yes-We-Really-Did-Done-Gone-n-Hid-His-Brain-In-Our-Hidey-Hole, Dad", there
just ain't no such critter looks anything like that 'round here no-where's,
no matter how hardin' we keep lookin'.  And believes us, we done been
lookin' REAL hard!!!!!!
Anyhow's, if we can ever done finds us one of them FDI agents we promise
we'll practice real good so's we can earn us our "Kitty Kat 'ttackin'"
merit badge and get us-selves promoted past "Junior FLO Agent" status.
Please advice post-haste as to appropriate alternative training equipment
for junior FLO agents likes us, that just ain't got no kinda access to them
Feline thingies described in that training manual.
Gotta go, we thinks our "now-brainless" Daddy is waking up and he hadn't
done yet done gone 'n' figgered out we knows how to send & receive these
secret FLO messages,
Signing off now,
Junior FLO Agents,
Bilbo & Missy
[Posted in FML issue 1495]