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Sat, 2 Mar 1996 14:03:08 EST
"Sandy E. Schieman" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (75 lines)
Hello, my name is Odie.  I don't think I done never wroted no letter to
nobody before but my new bubba, Tater, is helping me with words and stuff.
Gee, this is kinda neat!  Has anybody else noticed that he talks kinda
funny?  My Dad and I are originally from Illinois and folks talk a whole lot
different up there.  Guess I'll just have to get used to being a Georgia
Cracker Ferret for now I are one.  At least they ain't tried to feed me no
grits yet.  (Yuccchh, bleccchh - major nasty stuff!)
I'm starting to get the hang of this pooter thing now, so maybe I can talk
more like myself.  I am, after all, a college-educated fert.
Until a few days ago, I lived with my Dad and other brother, Pauly, at the
University of Georgia.  Dad's roomates kept telling him how bad I was
because I kept getting into their stuff.  Heck, I thought ferrets were
supposed to get into stuff.  Dad (Doug) made the very hard decision that he
would have to try to find me a new home, where I could be myself and not
upset folks so much.
One day last week, Dad brought home this guy named, Paw Paw.  I was really
scared of him at first - he was just so big and hairy.  I got over my first
impression when he picked me up and started loving on me.  I saw a happy
twinkle in his old eyes that told me that he was OK.  After a little while,
he put me into his critter carrier and toted me off.  I know that Pauly and
Dad were really sad to see me leave.  I was pretty sad too.  Don't ever tell
him that I told you this but, when we were safely out of sight, I saw Paw
Paw wipe a few tears from his cheeks too.
We rode back to Atlanta, my Paw Paw and me, in his big grey service truck.
We stopped at his Shop and I met lot's of nice human-type folks.  Well, one
girl did say that I looked like a rat.  Paw Paw told me that she didn't mean
anything by it because she just didn't know any better.  Then we went on
something called a 'service call'.  Paw Paw didn't want to leave me in the
truck alone, so he asked the nice lady at the front desk if he could park my
carrier beside her desk while he worked.  She got Paw Paw a paper cup and he
whittled it down to my size with the big knife he has and put some water in
it for me.  Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of
treats that he just happened to have in there.  They weren't what I was used
to but they were very tasty.
When he got done with his work, we both thanked the nice lady and drove to
my new home.  This is where I met my new brother, Tater, for the first time.
I'm not sure he knew what to think of me at first.  I don't think he had
seen another ferret since he left Pet Circus last summer.  I think he
thought that I was a very strange looking cat at first.  It took us a little
while, but we worked everything out.  We are now the best of friends.  We
have all kinds of neat things to play with and get into together, not to
mention plenty of yummy things to eat - and no roomates to fuss at me for
just being myself.
Tater and I have our very own, six unit ferret condo.  For some strange
reason, Paw Paw thinks that he is supposed to store his clothes in some of
our units.  That's OK.  They sure are nice to snuggle and nap in.  I
especially love to get all wrapped up in something called a 'softball
jersey'.  Very cozy.  Tater and I lived on seperate floors of the condo for
the first few days while we finished sorting things out between us.  I'm
happy to report that Tater has moved into the penthouse with me.  It sure is
nice to feel his large, warm body curled up next to mine at naptime.
I was going to tell everybody about Mee Maw - a really nice lady - and how
Tater and I love to wake her and Paw Paw up at 4:00AM every morning with our
crazy antics and play-tussles as we bounce all over the bed.  Guess I'll
have to save that for next time.  Paw Paw says that, if I write a letter
that is too long, somebody named BIG or his Cyberfert named, Listserv, will
fuss at us.  Hi Guys!
I just wanted to introduce myself and let everyone know that I really am
having a good time in my new home.  I still miss Dad and Pauly a lot.  Paw
Paw's been trying to find them a new buddy who will be better behaved than I
was, so I know that they will be OK.
Until next time,
Odie - Tater's new brother and partner in mayhem.
[Posted in FML issue 1495]