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Thu, 15 Feb 1996 19:08:47 -0500
Bryan Benefiel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
I wrote in a few weeks ago about my little biter, She-devil.  I am happy to
say that she is getting much better.  I used Kelleen method of using bitter
apple on a Q-Tip, time outs, firmly saying "NO" and lots of love,
attention, and treats.  She is still bites me, but she is great with my
boyfriend Bryan who also used Kelleens suggestions.  We believe that the
lady at the pet store was mean to our little girl so she isn't to crazy
about women.  She is slowly getting better with me but it is just going to
take a little longer for her to warm up to another women.  Me and Bryan
thought about using a muzzle with her so that she could spend a little more
time out with me.  After I get bit several times I have to put her back in
the cage.  I thought if she stayed out a lot more then she could get used
to me and see how much I love her.  My problem is finding one to fit.  I
haven't seen any small enough to fit and don't even know how to start on
making one.  If anyone has any ideas on making one or has seen one at a pet
shop please contact me.
Thanks Kelleen for all your help and support!  One day soon she is going to
be a great pet just like my other two thanks to you!!!
Stacey Bookout
[Posted in FML issue 1479]