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Mon, 12 Feb 1996 10:56:35 -0600
jenny koger <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
My committee and I finally sat down this weekend to pick the best name out
of all the entries.  I realized how personal name-picking was, because none
of the names submitted really "clicked" with me.  Yet, there were some GREAT
entries and I will still award a prize for my favorite out of the bunch.
And the winner is...  ASTRO.  My committee and I really liked this one
because it sounds so good with Cosmo.  I am going to keep this one on
retainer for the next ferret.
There are several very honorable mentions.  CASPER was a great entry because
it met all of the criteria and it received the most votes (about 3).  I even
gave this one a trial run.  I will award a small prize for this one too!
Our other favorite names were CHAOS, COMET, BUGS [bunny] AND SCHMOO (no I
was a baby in the late 70's so I don't remember the cartoon character.  But
it's cute!)  I think someone also mentioned continuing the tradition of
Seinfeld characters (Neuman, Kramer, Jerry, George.)  I want to thank that
person-- I gave some of those a trial run, too.  Maybe the next ferret!
I did come up with a name that comes from the name of my favorite French
painter- Matisse.  It fits his personality since he is a very creative,
inventive, brainy little thing and he likes to give his fur a little color
by digging in the fireplace (regardless of the obstacles!)
Please email me if you are a winner and I'll get you the prize!
Love, hugs and kisses!
Thank you very much!
Jenny, Cosmo and Matisse
P.S.  Thank you Miss Killian for the description of how to get ferrets to be
"kissy".  I will attempt this right way!
"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are."
  Anais Nin
[Posted in FML issue 1476]