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Print Reply
Sun, 28 Jan 1996 10:32:28 -0500
Dick Bossart <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (86 lines)
I know that many of you have seen this post several times, but I think it's
important enough for new members here that I repost it.
Diarrhea, whether or not it's "Green Slime" or ECE or from stress is VERY
serious in ferrets, especially young kits.  They just do not have the body
mass to undergo diarrhea for any length of time, without the risk of
dehydration and death.
STADARD DISCLAIMER - I am not a vet, just a shelter owner.
In the case of diarrhea, please believe me, it is a potentially deadly
Here at our shelter, at the fist indication of diarrhea we isolate and
observe.  If it happens a second time, we don't hesitate.  1/2 cc Kaopectate
every 4 hours (normal 2 pound ferret), and most importantly water and food.
If it isn't drinking copious amounts of water on its own, we use a syringe,
between the teeth and lips in the corner of the mouth and DRIBBLE it in
slowly so that the ferret laps the water.  You don't want it to inhale the
If it's not eating, immediately we start syringe feeding Duck Soup.  Here is
the receipe for those who don't have it.  (I'd suggest, if you haven't
already, print this out and keep it where you can find it in a hurry.
One recipe that very often works to stimulate the appetite of a sick ferret
is called Duck Soup, named in honor of a ferret named Lucky Duck, for whom
the recipe was first concocted.
 Duck Soup
 1/2 cup of high quality, dry kitten food
 1/8 cup (approximately - about equal to the volume of one regular ice-cube)
 of Susticalx or Ensurex (or equivalent liquid, non-dairy food supplement,
 found in most grocery and drug stores in 8 oz cans.  Ferrets seem to like
 strawberry the best but any flavor except chocolate is fine.  Pour the
 remaining supplement into an ice cube tray and freeze.  After it's frozen,
 the supplement "cubes" will keep for several weeks in a plastic bag in your
 1 1/2 inch ribbon of Nutricalx/Nutristatx (Nutristat is available at many
 pet shops.  It is a high calorie food supplement used for many animals)
 Ferretone/Linetone - a "pump" if desired.
Place the kitten food in a small bowl.  Add sufficient hot water to soften.
Mash thoroughly with a fork (or you can use a blender).  Add more water as
necessary to make a stiff paste.  Stir in the Nutrical (Nutristat),
Sustical, and Ferretone (Linetone) if desired.  The mixture should be the
consistency of a thin paste or thick soup.  (You can add more water if
necessary to make a very thin mixture if you have to force-feed the ferret
with an eyedropper or syringe.) Again, remember that you must be careful
that the ferret does not inhale the food.
If you want, you can add some strained chicken baby food, and use a pedilite
solution instead of plain water.
Check the temperature before you begin feeding.  It should be warm, not hot.
You may microwave the mixture if necessary to warm it, but be sure to stir
it well and make sure that there are no HOT spots.  (I use my finger to stir
it.  That way I can be sure that there are no hot spots.
Feed the ferret all it will eat or that you can make it eat.  (This should
be about 15 cc, depending on the size of the ferret, at each feeding) Cover
and refrigerate any left over mixture.  It will keep approximately one day.
Microwave to re-warm.  Remember to check the temperature of any microwaved
portion carefully.  Parts of the mixture may feel only warm but other parts
may be HOT.
Most ferrets will eat Duck Soup eagerly.  It's high in fat; has protein from
the kitten chow; and vitamins and minerals from the Sustical and Nutrical
(Nutristat), plus water.  Don't make a steady diet of this after your ferret
recovers.  Its regular food is best for long term nourishment.
Keep giving it plenty of water or pedilite solution.  Dehydration comes on
very quickly and is deadly in a small animal like a ferret; especially in a
kit.  With diarrhea you MUST treat it immediately and agressively.
Again I want to emphasize, SEE YOUR VET, especially if the diarrhea does not
stop within 24 hours.  S/he will likely want to put the ferret on
Amoxicillin and perhaps Carafate.
Dick B.
[Posted in FML issue 1460]