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Thu, 25 Jan 1996 17:50:01 -0600
Lynda Reid <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
First the "solution" and then the introduction:
I have been trying to find an easy solution to blocking air space under my
kitchen and bathroom cabinets for a long time now.  Nothing I tried was
easy, cheap, invisible, non-tempting or stayed very long (I think it had a
bit of fuzzy help in getting torn down).  Now I think I've figured it out.
I bought several cheap yardsticks, cut them into the proper lenghts (the
measurements are right there 8]), and glued them into place with lots of
glue from a hot-glue gun.  They work beautifully and fit all the criteria
above.  In fact, I managed a large kitchen and two bathrooms in about 30
minutes for under three dollars.  And I am definitely not a carpenter!
Maybe this will help others who are as frustrated as I was.
The introduction:
I have been lurking for several months, thoroughly enjoying the FML.  Thank
you, everyone, for the wonderful information and the great stories.  I am
the proud (and harried) mommy of 5 ferts: Smitty, 1 1/2 yrs. old, a "used"
silvermitt male; Zeus, a crippled 2 or 2 1/2 year old male, an sable adoptee
from tle's shelter; Maggie, a 9 mo. old small sable female with 2
esophoguses (Dr. Williams was literally a lifesaver on that!); Razz, a 4
month old female sable; and Baby, my newest acquisition.  Baby is another
rescue, given to me by a local petshop.  She's almost 5 yrs. old, and, when
given to me, was extremely ematiated and dehydrated.  She also has a
completely useless rear leg.  With a lot of hand-feeding and duck soup, I do
believe she is making progess.  She is also starting to integrate into the
group.  Whew!
Required cute story:
I always use the ferretone-on-the-tummy method of cutting nails and was
clipping Zeus.  I finished, put him down, and put the clippers on the table
near me.  Next thing I know, Smitty brings me the clippers, climbs up on my
lap and flops on his back.  Since he didn't need his nails cut, he just got
the ferretone.  And some people think they are just dumb animals!!
'til later--
Lynda 8]
[Posted in FML issue 1457]