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Sun, 7 Jan 1996 11:04:09 -0500
William Alan Killian <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Linatone is the same for dogs and cats.  It is very similar to Ferretone.
It should not be diluited with water.  It should betreated as a treat not a
diet requirement.  It is available in very large bootles which isput in
smaller bottles by heavy consumers.  Most folks don't have as many ferrets
as those who write books and get by with buying smaller bottles and using
them directly.
Ferrets are very tough stoic critters.  An unfortunate problem with the FML
is since it is used for support it get more posts about the supposrt need
and not many posts on the day to day non-sick ferrets.  People don't need to
write in with questions on how to deal with a healthy happy ferret after
all.  If I had never gone on past my first two ferrets I would have only had
one minor mast cell tumor and on adrenal surgery.  Both ferrets have had
long lives AFTER the surgeries.  These surgeries also came after the ferrets
reached what is considered geriatric age with the tumors at four and six
years of age.  Most people get tumors of some sort when they reach old age
as well.
They are not ruined by any sort of over breeding any more than people they
are not bred into breeds like dogs and cats so they do not have those
problems associated with that type of breeding.
Many US breeders are importing European ferrets as an expeirment.  We've
gotten in German, English and now Swedish bloodlines.  These are all so
recently sperated though I'm not expecting to find much difference.
Environment is probably the cause of any problems that there are.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 1437]