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Sat, 23 Mar 1996 15:43:13 +0100
"Theo v. Werkhoven" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
**************************** FLO eyes only ****************************
Rpt# 001-960323:T/K
To: senior staff FLO / field ranks => Lt
From: agent Kira, M.U.D. (Mustella Underground Detachement), Dutch cell
We, agents Tasha aka "The Bear" and Kira aka "The Babe", non-commited
members of the MPF community made the FLO ideals ours.  Our IH brought a
member of the CKP to our hunting grounds.  IH claims it is for diplomatic
"dog-sitting" services as he knows the CKP member for 13 years.  MUD-fighter
Tasha decided that the opinions of the IH are not relevant.  She forced a
first, and probably decisive, jaws-to-nose contact with the CKP member.
Results: "The Bear" got a serious reprimand and a note in her permanent
records from the IH, the CKP member retreated to save grounds (behind closed
doors) to lick his N.O.S.E.  (Non-combat Odor Sensory Equipment).
I, MUD-fighter Kira meanwhile examined the CKP members belongings.  The
napping matrass with foam contents needs further examination, initial
scratching revealed no secrets like food or toys, but the search was broken
off by IH's meddling.  Efforts will be continued however.  Contents of paper
bag on the sink showed the low appreciation of the CKP member for tasty
stuff.  The yukk they call food is of no interrest for the MPF community.
The chew thing that came with the CKP member smells interresting though, I
will ask "The Bear" if it's worth risking another engagement.
We, tasha and Kira, wish to remain non-committed because we don't want to
take orders from ANYBODY.  Know however that the FLO ideals are ours.  MPF
must expand forever.  IT IS THE "GOLDEN PATH"
For now, signing off, "The Bear" & "The Babe"
P.s.: on the noisy picture box we got some great info about the 285 rules of
acquisition.  It seems that species called "Ferengi" know all about getting
all the stuff that they need -for free if possible-.  MPF must know what
they know, or they will acquire more stuff then us!  This is not acceptible!
[Posted in FML issue 1517]