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Sun, 10 Mar 1996 17:47:59 -0800
"Hope . Rumpca" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Hi All,
I don't post often but I thought I'd let everyone know that today we got two
new ferrets.  They are neutered, descented and both are approx. 4 years
old.  Their names are Joy and Suzette.  They are so tiny!  Joy is a pound
(probably a pound soaking wet) and Suzette is 1 1/2 pounds.  This may be
normal but next to my bruising Razz & Tazz (4 pounds and 3 1/2 pounds) they
look like midgits! :)  They have been fed Purina Cat Chow (31% protein, 8%
fat) and their coats are thin and coarse.  My ferrets eat Casco (31%
protein, 20% fat) and their coats are beautiful and boy are they active.  Do
you think the straggly appearance of Joy and Suzette could be caused by
their diet?  Both are very sweet and *definately* people ferrets.  We
haven't introduced them to Razz & Tazz yet (were told that Suzette would
probably get along but not Joy) and figure we can begin after they have had
time to settle in.  We have scheduled a vet appointment for later in the
week for a full checkup including blood work.
I have never had 4 ferrets at one time, although before Razz & Tazz I'd
never had 2 ferrets at one time!  They sure are sweet girls I just hope
they'll fatten up and get along.
Hope & The Gang
[Posted in FML issue 1504]