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Mon, 18 Dec 1995 13:36:33 -0500
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
To Carolyn Kinsey (and other FMLers),
I am writing in response to your recent post on the FML. The FML is a great
resource to ferret owners but it seems that some advice given on the FML by
non-veterinarians is not always correct. As a veterinarian, I would hate to
see ferret owners misled by improper advice. Many of these owners must rely
on inexperienced ferret vets who may take the advice given to the owners on
the FML because they don't know what else to do. Therefore, since you are
only a veterinary technician, I think you should be careful about providing
your opinions and giving advice on treatment of ferrets. Veterinarians have
the training and expertise to give proper advice on the treatment of
animals. Some of your comments on the FML are not entirely correct or even
unwarranted (e.g. putting a ferret on amoxi indefinitely or not going to a
vet because they don't have a specific book). Enlarged spleens can be due
to a number of things including extramedullary hematopoiesis. Please be
careful with the advice you give to pet owners and leave the medical advice
to experienced veterinarians. This is especially true for owners who are
upset because their pet is sick and they are looking for any advice they
can get (even if it is not correct advice which owners cannot discern).
Happy holidays and happy ferreting.
[Posted in FML issue 1416]