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Thu, 18 Jan 1996 17:02:19 -0600
Bethany Allyn Prahl <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Hello Fellow Ferret-lovers!
I am really new here [like just last weekend-type new], but I own three
ferrets now and am housing 2 others.
Re: The prices of ferrets, here in Illinois, $100 is not a bad price for a
ferret at all.  In fact, in the stores I've been in [I like to look even if
I'm not going to buy any], they've ranged anywhere from $130 to $180.  I
first started being aware of ferret shelters when I decided it was time for
another one, but didn't have $180 laying around [which is what they cost
here in the town I live in].
Re: Those nasty openings under the cabinets in the kitchen, I never worried
about them, either, even though I knew they were there.  I didn't - even
think twice while my fuzzies were going in and out until one of my females
got stuck, somewhere aroung the shoulder area.  I had to literally yank her
out because it was so tight under there!  I don't let them in the kithen
anymore...I don't like being more scared than they are :)
Re: Those Midwest Playpen things....I keep reading about them in the FML,
but I don't think I've ever seen one or even know what one is.  Could
someone either let me know what they are and where I might be able to get
one, or tell me the issue number that discusses them more thoroughly?  TIA.
Oh...and one other thing...Those two that I'm housing are tow that I am
trying to sell for a friend.  I'm selling them as a pair because they've
been together most of their lives.  If anyone has any questions about
them or knows anyone who might be interested in them, please email me at:
        [log in to unmask]
Okay that's it for now :)
Best wishes from Bethany, Dopey, Doc, Grumpy, Buddy, and Kitty
[Posted in FML issue 1449]