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Mon, 11 Dec 1995 08:19:35 EST
"Munroe C. Clayton" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
    Lauren asked if there were no vaccine reactions to date does that mean
none in the future?  In my experience no.
  Last year, Harley T.  Weasel and Phoebe both had severe reactions It was
Harleys fourth and Phoebes second vaccination.  Both vaccines had been given
at the same time.  The reaction occurred after we left the clinic, after a
10 minute wait.  Both of them were out like lights and unresponsive.  A
quick return to the clinic for some emergency care set things right.  Since
two for two defies the odds, about the same as winning the NYS Lottery, I
focused on what had changed from previous years and that was the switch from
Fromm-D to Ferrvac.
    Being a very cautious type I engaged in some very bad science this year
by changing two variables at once, ( a sure way to foul up an experiment.) I
arranged to have them inoculated with Galaxy-D rather than Ferrvac and to do
the Rabies inoculation 2 weeks latter.
    The distemper inoculations went well with no signs of a reaction in
either Harley or Phoebe.  Two weeks latter we went back for the Rabies and
after about 15 minutes Phoebe started gagging and did actually bring up some
of her stomach contents.  We waited this one out at the clinic and after an
hour she seemed fine so we all returned home with no further problems.  So
much for my plan to avoid problems.
    What's all this mean?  Beats me, other than vaccine reactions seem to be
rather unpredictable.  For what its worth my approach to vaccinations in 96
is going to be a return to Ferrvac ( because it is approved for ferrets) but
continue to do the vaccinations a couple of weeks apart and hang around the
clinic for 30 minutes or so before leaving.  Will this help anything?  I
don't know but, at least this method allows me to know which one did it!
                                Moe, Harley T. Weasel & Phoebe
[Posted in FML issue 1409]