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Thu, 7 Dec 1995 15:34:40 EST
Tina Tortorelli <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (14 lines)
I know this is mainly a domestic ferret mailing list, and of course I am the
proud owner of a 1-1/2 year old sable named Neely (yes, after Cam).  But I
have been extremely interested in BFFs for quite some time, and have been
trying to keep up to date on the propagation and re-release efforts over in
Wyoming and Montana.  Does anyone have any current (in the last 6 months,
that is) information on how our little, furry, WILD, creatures are doing?  I
would like to become involved in these efforts for their re-release and so
forth, yet I have no contacts.  Does anyone have any "in"s with Dr.  Tom
Thorne or Elizabeth Williams (in Wyoming)?  I have written to them, but
haven't gotten anywhere.  If anyone just wants to chat and talk/write BFFs
with me, please do, as I have no one around here in Massachusetts that
shares my interest.  Thanks for your time, happy ferreting!  -Tina
[Posted in FML issue 1405]