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Mon, 30 Oct 1995 00:18:33 -0800
Kelleen Andrews <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (87 lines)
Hi All,
Everyone keeps mentioning Fercats but what about those Ferdogs out there??
Or do I have the ONLY one?  I think NOT!  Rascal the Rare Poda-Ferret Mommy
is such a trip I just can't stop laughing sometimes....  1st of all ANY
time one of the fuzzies gets ferretone she absolutely DEMANDS her linatone
(or even better THEIR ferretone) and when Racy gets her Nutrical then
Rascal HAS to be given a small dab on my finger too!  The other day I was
eating deer jerky (homemade by Dad, YUMMY!) and I was down to the very last
piece so I gave Rascal the last bite and told her beforehand that it was
the last of it until Granpa gives us more (could be awhile, BOO!) and what
did she do?  She grabbed the bite, jumped off the couch and went down to
the two fuzzies wrestling on the floor and offered it to them!  I couldn't
believe it since she ADORES jerky!  Well the fuzzbutts sniffed and then
could have cared less so then and ONLY then Rascal ate it!  Immediately
after that Silverada came out of her self-imposed exile (story to follow)
for a bit and Rascal took off into the bedroom, retrieved a banana-nut
rice-cake from some fuzzy's stash and brought it into the living room (and
Rascal does not ever eat these).  She proceeded to walk directly to
Silverada and tempt her with the rice-cake right in her face.  Rascal took
off back into the bedroom with Silver running after her ("Hey!  Where in
the heck you going with that?  GIMME!).  They were both gone a short while
and then Rascal came back alone and plopped on the couch and went to
sleep.....  I assume Silver was still in the bedroom munching away!  I was
laughing sooooo hard I just couldn't get up to see what she was doing!
NOW, speaking of Silverada, this ferret mommy is getting really worried and
would like any and all advice on this situation.  Ever since I got Silver
she has been a somewhat skittish baby that hides out most of the time.
Recently tho she almost NEVER shows her face!  She was pot-bellied when I
got her and had been fed dog food ALL her life (approx.  1yr.  4 1/2mos.
old).  She was also caged up with Fang for most of the time in the garage
of the previous owners.  I figured with good food and freedom she would
possibly slim down since she would get more exercise and have LOTS of
fuzzies to play with.  Lately I have taken to falling asleep on the couch
and more or less napping throughout the day & nite rather than a real sleep
so I am more aware of my fuzzies wake times now.  Silver lives in the couch
and I swear to God she comes out no more than 2 times daily (3 on rare
occassion!).  When she does come out she plays like crazy with the others
that are awake and runs and jumps all over the place.  I do see her eating
when she is out and drinking.  She stays out for an average of 1 to 2 hours
tops but sometimes MUCH less and then back in the couch she goes for
another possibly 10 to 12 hours.  Today is a good example, I saw her at
about 9am and I took off her collar to do some modifications.  She had only
been out maybe 10 min.  and after removing the collar she shot back under
the couch and I have NOT seen her since!  It is now 1:15am the next
morning!  When I finish this I will tip over the couch and do a search and
rescue on her!  She has no fur loss or any other visible type symptoms of
anything but THIS IS NOT NATURAL, is it?????  She has really slimmed down
over the past few weeks too but not overly thin.  She actually seems of a
normal weight now and is just a streamlined model version of her former
self.  She may come out for short bits when I am sleeping but still she
does not bother to come out when all the rest of the house is wide awake
and buzzing.  I am taking David and his babies to the vet this coming
Friday and I would like to know if there are some specific things I should
ask him to do.  Could this be low blood sugar, diabetes, insulinoma???
PLEASE HELP, I am getting extremely worried about her and I now find myself
constantly glancing at the bottom of the couch waiting to catch a glimpse
of her.  Should I up end the couch throughout the day and force her to wake
up and come out or what???  I am soooooo confused!  If this is something
bad I want to try and catch it real early as I don't think I could bear to
lose one of my beloved children so soon after they have joined my
family.!!!  I have only had ferrets since June 23rd of this year and this
is just TOOOOO soon!  Sorry this is so long but I wanted to include all I
could about our situation!
BIG  Could you tell me when we expect the return of our WONDERFUL Doc.
Williams please?????   THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!!!!!!
[Moderator's note: Well, I think he said he'd be back today, 10/31, but
maybe we should give him, oh, an hour or two to settle in before flooding
him with questions, ok? ;-)  BIG]
*          Kelleen & The INSANE Animal House        *
*          [log in to unmask]                           *
*          President & Founder of                   *
*F.A.N.G. - Ferret Association of Neverending Glee  *
*Location : Boise, Idaho                            *
*I'll take a good animal over a good mate anyday,   *
*all THEY want is lots of love and great chow!!!!   *
[Posted in FML issue 1361]