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Wed, 14 Jun 1995 08:25:24 -0600
Monica Istvan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
And does she (Onyx) have a story to tell.  I'll let her type...
Saturday morning!  I think I'll take a walk.  Mom is using the door a lot
today - perfect!  Here she goes...gotta be careful not to touch her, she'll
notice I'm going for my walk without my harness and leash...ta-da!  And she
didn't look down!  Well, let's check this out a bit.  Hmmm, boring!  And
under the gate I go.  [Mom's note: from all the folks that called - this is
as near the truth as it gets.] Truck across the lane to the dumpster -
nothing neat here, but lots of grass around it.  Follow the grass.  A hill
- I'm going to climb.  Boy, are mom's running spaces loooong.  (finish
block #1).  OOOHh trees!  [lots of shrubs].  Keep on moving up the hill
(finish block #2).  Left turn!  Lots of dirt!  Digging along.  Success!
Almost made it to China.  Oooooh, look at those pretty colours....[She
rambles on for quite awhile] Look!  Two cute guys!  I think I'll pick them
up [such a hussy!] They took me to some houses to see if I lived there -
wish I did!  Were the houses ever BIG!  I still don't think Mom even knows
I'm gone.  Well, we're off.  The cute guys called some radio stations, but
not the vets or humane society.  [don't know what happened here, but she
convinced the two cute guys to take her to the bar Saturday night] I found
this real nice lady - thought she was my mommy.  Nope.  But she took me
home and fed me.  Wants me to stay in a cage - showed her my Houdini
impression.  So they put me in a room with a nice coat to curl up in.
Aaahh, snore.  [meanwhile mommy's frantically searching the neighbourhood
until 11pm and she can't see anymore] Sunday morning I woke up late,
[meanwhile mommy had made up flyers and called 3 2-legged, and 1 4-legged
friends to help distribute them.  Phew, what a lot of walking.  Met up with
the crew at home around Noon.  Someone who pulled into the gas station
heard an announcement on the radio about a ferret in Huntington Hills.
Tried calling the radio stations.  Some were'nt answering, one threw out
the number Saturday, another had no idea.  Called the humane society - Hold
please (30 minutes later...).  Listed her missing.  Got a return call from
the humane society, someone called in!  Hooray!]
Mommy came and picked me up.  She was mad and happy - don't understand
this.  Did I do something wrong?  She took me home and put me in my cage
with the fan and my favourite food.  Did the Houdini again, so she put me
back in the cage and closed the door to my room.  Boy, I really was tired!
So I had a nap.  My sister didn't even notice I was gone!
Moral of this story - mommy really likes the plexiglass idea for my door now!
Mommy got a lot of calls from neighbours telling her about the radio
announcement (I'm famous!), and one nice lady called to say that the two cute
guys that I picked up first stopped at her house to ask if I lived there.
[log in to unmask]
Calgary, AB
The Terrible Two (Houdini/Onyx & Potato Rustler/Nreese) and the Kitty Krew.
[Posted in FML issue 1226]