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Fri, 12 Apr 1996 23:51:03 -0400
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Hi Everone,
I'm new here and have been reading FML for a few weeks now.  It's really
great--information and entertainment all in one.  I have saved all the
copies, but I wonder is there an index somewhere?  Thank goodness we don't
have some of the problems others have, but I know someday I will want this
info for my own reference.
I have two ferrets:
Bandit (original name I see!), my 4 yr old male sable.  I've had him for
about 3 years.  He's my ferocious sissy.  He's the big guy, but lets her
boss him around.
Oscar my 2 yr old female albino.  Odd name for a girl, but she's named after
Oscar Madison from the Odd couple.  (She can't stand anything neat) I've had
her about 4 months.
They tolerate each other, but don't sleep together.  I give them free run
of the place (after ferret proofing) so they don't HAVE to deal with each
other too much.  He will look all over for her like he wants to play, but
when he finds her, he backs off.
I really enjoy them.  We have our routines.  Bandit likes feet, preferably
wet from the shower.  He feels it's his job to dry them.  Oscar likes dry
feet and rather than lick them, she nibbles on them mostly when I am trying
to sleep.  Morning is feeding time and we get fresh water in a bowl, some
Kaytee Forti-diet, some 8in1 Ultra-blend and a side of Purina cat chow.  I'm
trying to cut back on the Purina since I finally found real ferret food in
the local pet food supply.  For dessert we have a small portion of fig
newton and 2 slices of banana cut into quarters.  Like me, they eat dessert
first, but by the time I get home from work, they have eaten most of the
meal.  When it's time to leave for work, they decide it's play time, so we
'wrassle' for a little while before I leave.  Talk about guilt...It's bad
enough to go to work, but to leave those little 'punkins when we are having
so much fun.
Sometimes Bandit is waiting for me at the door when I come home.  If not, he
gets up when he hears me in the kitchen.  Oscar follows after supper and
Bandit 'retires'.  Occasionally, they meet and there is a scuffle.  Always
under something like the hutch or the dresser.  Neither has ever drawn blood
or shown any 'battle scars', but I wish they would be buddies.  That's one
reason why I added Oscar to the family, so Bandit would have a ferret
I could go on and on, but you've all probably heard similar stories before.
Just wanted to introduce the family.
Ferret truly yours,
Donna, Bandit and Oscar
[Moderator's note: No, there's no index, though Rochelle Newman once
compiled an index for 100 issues simply because she was (is) nice.  I never
announced it - kinda slipped through the cracks - and it's now a year old.
Be great if any crazies out there want to compile one.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1537]