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Sun, 7 Apr 1996 21:07:06 EDT
Ernest Renda <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
hi everyone!
this is the first time I've ever written in to a newsletter, so bear with
me. :-)  My name is Carrie, but I'm using my boyfriend's computer so the
address is misleading.  I recently got my first ferret (I live in Mass and
they just became legal).  She is by far the best pet that's ever owned me.:)
I have to say I've always been a cat person until I met Kodo.  She blows
away any cat I've ever had, not to say I don't still love them, but I never
knew what affection I was missing out on.  Kodo loves to cuddle and lick and
kiss me (but not jump all over me, like a dog), she brings me her toys, and
is always ready for attention whenever I can give it.  She really is a jem.
Anyway, the reason I'm writing is that my boyfriend and I have been
seriously considering starting a ferret breeding farm and shelter out of our
home.  I manage a pet store and I know the difficulty everyone is having in
getting ferrets into the state.  I would like to see the popularity and
understanding of the domestic ferret grow in this state.  There are so many
people here that are ignorant about them.  They just never had a chance to
learn what wonderful animals they are.  I also know that with the lack of
knowledge and rise in popularity will come many ferrets that will be
discarded after a few months.  So we would like to help those, too.
Well, what I'm trying to say is that any information anyone could provide us
with would be greatly appreciated.  EJ and I would really like to do this,
but only if we can be sure we are doing it right from the start.  We do have
a wonderful vet who will be taking care of vaccinations, etc...  but we want
to gather all the information we can get from other ferret lovers, breeders,
and shelters.
that's about it, I guess. thanks in advance to everyone who replies!!
Carrie, EJ, Kodo, Obie the cat, Trex the iguana, and Rikki the bird
(you didn't think she was the only pet of a pet store manager, did you?) :)
[Posted in FML issue 1532]