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Wed, 20 Mar 1996 23:39:54 -0800
Julie Mitchell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (70 lines)
To those who asked:
Colloidal Silver is an FDA approved natural anitbiotic, synthetic
antibiotics became popular back in the 40's, because they were easier
to process, but now modern technology has made the silver just as
easy.  It looks, tastes and feels just like water, but it has
micrscopic particles of silver ( the good kind, that your body needs)
in it.  Unlike synthetic antibiotics, there are no side-effects, and
you cannot overdose, and the ferrets (and other mammals) love it.
I have been putting it into a sinus mist bottle and spray it up inside about
twice a day, keeps the sinus infections away!  I take it for flu (stomach
flu gone within minutes!!) viruses, colds, and any bacterial infection.I
have'nt gone to the doctor since taking it.
You can get it in some health food stores, but if you can't find it, or
want a high quality product, I can  send you some, the company I get it
from,has a variety of "life changing" products! Their vitamins have been the
best that I have found.
The Colloidal Silver isn't cheap, but my sister tried another cheaper brand
and it didn't do anything, so I'm sold on the HTN brand.  Retail price is
$49.95, or you can get it for $20.00 if you sign up for their monthly
program which is a great deal, you can drop out anytime.  1 bottle (it's 4
oz., lasts my whole household about 2 months) Also it shouldn't effect other
medications, but I would check with a doctor, the other products that HTN
has, help build up your immmune system too.
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                                    _     _
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   FERRET FRIENDLY                (  @   @  )
                                    =( * )=
[Moderator's note: OK, I'll get flamed for this, but here goes.  I think the
description is a little misleading.  First, it's not FDA approved - it's out
of their jurisdiction because the product was classified as homeopathic.
That doesn't mean it's bad, and since there have been plenty of FDA approved
drugs that have been horrors, being approved or not isn't the entire answer.
But were it truely FDA approved one would at least be reasonably assured of
a more consistent product.
Now, saying that this product is effective against both viri and bacteria -
but presumably only the harmful bacteria and not the normal necessary ones -
yet saying there are no side effects associated with such a powerful product
doesn't make much sense to me.  Nor does it make sense that people are dying
from drug resistant infections when all one needs to do is administer some
colloidial silver.  (And yes, I know about consipiracy theories suggesting
there would be no money to be made if collodial silver ever hit the market
and thus the drug is being suppressed.  I personally don't think it's that
simple, but please remember all this is my opinion, not fact.)
The bottom line here is: does it help your ferret?  After all, this IS a
list about ferrets.  MANY people on the list have reported VERY positive
results with collodial silver under quite diverse circumstances.  So, if
you decide to try it, there's lots of great info here and in past issues
as to dosage and brand names.  And you might save your ferret's life.  Or
you may not - I sure dont't know, and every patient is an individual case
after all.  And perhaps other conventional remedies have been useless, so
there may be nothing left to lose even if you are skeptical.  But, please,
be careful, whatever you decide.  This is a ferret's life we're dealing
with.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1515]