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Sat, 3 Feb 1996 00:57:14 -0500
Andi & Todd Lockhart <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
I noticed that there has been some talk here about moisturizing ferret feet.
I tried it with vasiline a while ago & got to watch them lick it all off.
I gave it up for a long while, but recently started doing it again with a
secret weapon... PEPPERMINT FOOT LOTION!!!  They make it for people & sell
it all over the place (check natural bath supply stores in the mall).  Best
of all, it moisturizes while it repels ferret tongues!  It even works on my
troubled Gilligan - who is still marking/peeing on all my furnature legs &
outty corners - I am still open to suggestions!!!  Yes, he's fixed & no he
doesn't have an adrenal problem.  Our vet's suggestion... brain biopsy
(she was kidding!!!!) but seriously, I think he's a little crazier than the
rest. :) I know I'm a lot crazier since he came into our world!
Question... Big Guy (2 yr old, ECE survior) keeps getting scabs & swelling
in his penis area around the opening from licking himself.  It happens on &
off.  We showed the vet last month - she said that the opening for his penis
was too small & she couldn't get it out (she could on our other males) &
this could be obstructing his ability to urinate, causing him discomfort
that makes him lick.  She checked his urine & said it was fine (no
infection).  She can surgically fix it, but we're not sure if this is really
the problem, and if it needs to be fixed right away since he doesen't have
any infection from the urine stagnating in his bladder.
His tummy comes very close to the ground there from his big spleen (7 on a
scale of 10), so it could be irratated from rubbing or some type of contact
irratation.  We had already decided to take the conservative road with his
spleen problem & not remove it until it slowed him down or caused GI
obstruction.  Now we're begining to wonder if we shouldn't just have both
done.  Anybody out there ever had a similar problem with the opening size??
Had it fixed??  Any opinions on having all that done to him??
Rudy - I saw Jagger on Ferret Centrals Photo Gallery & I have to admit...
I'm in love!!  It's a good thing you're anon or I'd be knocking on your door
to see him in person!!  :-) Boy is he handsome!  Promise to send more
pictures as he grows or let me know if you & he are ever in NJ/PA!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1465]