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Tue, 26 Dec 1995 18:52:42 EST
Ronnie DiComo and Possum Prints <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
I've been reading the past few issues of the fml...glad there weren't many
people at work today, as I sit at my computer sniffing and wiping my eyes.
My heart goes out to everyone who is remembering loved ones including Racy
and Buddy, or other animals, or human friends and family members--who are
all missed so much during the holidays.  I join in all the heartfelt wishes
for homeless animals during the holiday season; the wishes for peace and
understanding at Christmas and Chanukah (I also love it when they overlap).
I've enjoyed all the holiday ferret poems and stories, and I have the 12
steps hanging up at work next to my ferret calendar and other fml classics.
Cinderella, Ralph and Harry had a very busy Christmas weekend.  As if
preparations weren't harried enough...I was loading the car Saturday
morning (with enough stuff in the trunk to serve as a backup in case Santa
got stuck in traffic), being extremely careful that no one (mustelid or
feline) got out of the house.  When I went outside with an armload of
stuff, who did I see standing in the snow by the car but *Harry*!!  ("What,
mom?  You said we were taking a car trip, here I am!") I almost died!!!  Of
course he had to play in the snow as I tried to catch him.  Fortunately,
his guardian angel Norman must have been watching over him, and the rest of
the trip went smoothly.
The 3 muskyteers had a wonderful time at their cousins Nellie and Sophie's
house.  They were also a hit with everyone at their unferretproofed
grandmother's house (though I was horrified to see they had bought a
recliner since my last visit).  I'm sure their new chair lost some of its
charm when I announced that it could kill a ferret :-(
McMustelid sighted
Last night on my way home from all the Christmas festivities, at a rest
stop on scenic Rt.  95 in the wilds of Connecticut, I took Max the dog out
of the car for a brief walk.  What did I spot but something that looked
like a what--small black cat?  no; daschund?  no; ferret?  well, sort of;
walking into the McDonald's garbage area.  I snuck over and opened the
gate; there was a dumpster and lots of bags of garbage; I was sure that any
minute the McPolice would want to know why I was in their garbage area.  My
fear was that it was someone's ferret, but even from a distance it looked a
little different, so I am assuming it was a mink?  weasel?  Do they eat
hamburgers???  fishwiches?  (Then again, I always give my 3 a french fry
when we travel.) He was hiding from us, and he didn't re-emerge, so I
presume it was a wild mustelid taking advantage of the local McDonald's.
One last thing...(I apologize if I already posted this); when I was in
Florida a few weeks ago, I saw an otter emerge from a drain pipe parallel
to the road, look around, and walk down to the next pipe.  They must have
a series of underground connections to wetlands, lakes, etc.  So within a
few weeks, I've seen 2 native mustelids in odd places!
Cinderella ("any more french fries?")
Ralph ("mom's bringing me in to work this week!")
Harry ("Ralphie, get up, I wanna play!")
[Posted in FML issue 1425]