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Sat, 25 Nov 1995 01:18:41 -0600
"Denise L. Voskuil" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Well, they've done it - our ferrets have 'evolved'...  Randall is bound and
determined to get over the baby gate (covered with cardboard to prevent
climbing) and into our bedroom, but jumping up and down isn't quite enough,
and flying leaps from the table rarely work and usually end up with him
plopping to the floor.  Tonight, I looked up from my computer, hearing the
repeated pause-scritch that means he's trying again.  I saw that he had
PUSHED a small cardboard box in front of the baby gate, and was climbing up
on it and leaping for the top of the gate from there!  I KNEW we shouldn't
have left the Discovery Channel on for them when we go out to do errands! :)
Anyone else have similar "tool use" stories from their ferrets?  (It's
supposed to be a sign of higher intelligence in an animal, you know.)
- Denise (who, with her fiance/their "daddy", is worried that we'll come
home to find two ferrets logged onto the Internet and one raiding the fridge)
* Rocko (1.5 yr old MF chocolate sable male)
* Randall (1.5 yr old MF sable male, and the explorer of the bunch - can you
* Spunky (7 mo old silvermitt male)
for a picture and a ferret song]
Denise Voskuil - [log in to unmask]@eden.com - http://www.mcs.net/~dvoskuil/
Hepcats=http://www.mcs.net/~dvoskuil/hepcats/ or http://www.eden.com/hepcats
"It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis."
    - Margaret Bonnano
[Posted in FML issue 1390]