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Mon, 9 Oct 1995 19:34:49 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (87 lines)
Sorry that things kept us from replying.  First, our condolences to all who
have lost loved ones.  We met Brie and Percy and they were marvelous
individuals; the others we came to care for while reading about them.
Second:  Bruce, thank you!  We were not particularly worried by Meltdown's
growths, but prefered to be careful with them, and she was quite uncomfy
with them.  The report came back on her 7th birthday.  Right now she looks
like a five year old, acts like a three year old, and remains alpha.  Not
bad for a little girl who was 5 weeks old and still sporting her incision
(minus stitches) from spaying when we drove her home from Path Valley, or
the sick girl who need an adrenal and spleen out 6 month ago.
IMPORTANT:  someone mentioned using ashtrays for ferret dishes since they
are heavy.  These used to be made so heavy with heavy metals, esp. lead so
I doubt you want to use them as dishes in case that is still done. We like
stainless steel cups with cage hangers, plastic clip on dishes, and
multiple water bottles.
Recently got a letter from Bob Luce of WY Game and Fish (The folks with the
best BFF breeding and release success.  In WY the prairie dog population
has crashed (sylvatic plague, drowning from flooding, and very heavy
shooting by recreational hunters) so releases have been stopped.  Another
problem is that the hand-reared ones are so human-wise that the standard
monitoring methods turn out to give lower survival rates than are actual
whne more rigorous methods are used so they are seeking funds to train a
squadron of dogs which can differentiate burrows used for living by BFFs
from others.  BTW, backward dragging often comes up.  BFFs use that to
remove rocks from burrow entrances.
Like many others our guys had bad tail acne this year; we are happy with
the peroxide shampoo from the vet and find that a soft toothbrush (Crest
Complete inthis case) painlessly dislodges many blackheads when used with
the shampoo.
Training:  all of the best and most experienced rehabers I know here avoid
punishment.  Instead a misbehaving critter is put in cage and ignored ASAP,
and good behavior is rewarded with profuse praise and sometimes treats.  It
gets the best and most firmly established behavior, from babes, normal
critters, abused, handicapped, etc.
Lori, Chris, and Charlie (when you mentioned the fur loss patterns you have
seen):  With Hjalmar's adrenal problems years ago he also lost every hair
from the top of his head and got horny as can be, as well as having the
other symptoms like pear shape and thin skin.  It was heart rending that he
was ill, but it was funny to see a rolly-poley Pepe Le Peu imposter with a
monk hair-do.  He got through adrenal surgery fine at almost 8 years old,
and it was a huge right one -- wrapped around the vena cava (unfortunately,
it was among the minority of adrenal tumors and was not benign).
Bruce, Charlie, other vets:  a question came to mind when someone mentioned
ketamine; do older ferrets have problems with it?  I know that older
hominoids can have terrible delusions coming out with it, and recall that
it was questioned in some Yellowstone bear behavioral changes.  How do our
sweethearts cope?
Hot pepper:  Over the years we have had 2 who would have snarfed hot sauce
any chance they got.  Both found it wonderful.
We WANT the FERRET XMAS CARDS.  Please, send prices for any non-religious
ones.  (Steve is a non-deist and I am a manaist, but we celebrate and send
cards -- and, no, your dictionary does not correctly define manaism.)
National Wildlife (dial 1-800-555-1212 to ask for 800 listings) has several
BFF products, and Soundprints (a Smithsonian catalog, 165 Water St.,
Norwalk, CT, 1-800-577-2413) has what we consider a more cuddly style of
ferret toy, which also looks more like our guys, as well as BFF books and
tapes for children, and other mustelid products.  (Bill, if this is not
appropriate here, could you, please, put it into your next products issue.
It helps a charitable organization.  Thanks!  You are a doll.)
Nancy, thank you so much for donating Percys and Bries eyes.
Alex who is 5 and her brother James who is two came for a visit today with
their dad.  They had been neighbors and Meltdown and Spot helped them get
through their mother's terminal cancer.  While Harry and I talked the kids
(with supervision) played and hugged M&S, even to the point where Jim had
Spot temporarily suspended by arms around his neck and they put up with all
of it, and kissed and nose-bumped back.  That goes beyond what Chops,
Ruffle, Meeteetse or Warp would tolerate.
Paper in our pot
Maybe its a bed now, or
Dalek inverted
        Sukie -- for the Crandall clan
[Posted in FML issue 1340]