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Wed, 30 Aug 1995 12:42:37 -0500
"John D. Coley" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
First of all, hello to everyone on the list from myself, John, my wife,
Rebekah, and the real power behind the throne in our household, Alexander
and Moxie.
We got Alexander a year ago last May (age 8 weeks), and at the time had no
other pets, ferret or otherwise. We both worked away from the apartment,
and gave him lots of love and attention in the morning and at night, but
after about 5 months decided that he (and we!) needed another ferret
around. I was a bit worried that Alexander would pay less attention to us
with a new ferret. We got Moxie at the GCFA shelter; they spent their first
night together in separate cages, but after that they insisted on sleeping
together in pile. They play together, wrestle together (the classic matchup
of speed and agility versus size and strength: Alexander outweighs Moxie by
about 2:1, but she dances circles around him), sleep, eat and explore
together. They also both seek out our attention. I think that Alexander
might be a little less attentive to us since we've had Moxie, but he
certainly doesn't ignore us, and his delight with his friend more than
makes up for it. Maybe we've been lucky, but I would say get another one!
Now that you mention it, we just returned from a 3-week road trip (with the
kids, of course) and found these disgusting gray wormlike things growing in
a plastic bag of MF ferret diet that we had left behind at home. We reacted
like you did and basically sterilized the apartment. Good to hear that
we're not alone...
[Posted in FML issue 1301]