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Tue, 8 Aug 1995 09:27:14 -0400
Kelleen Andrews <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Hi Everyone,
This is Kelleen and I just read that four of you out there cancelled your
subscriptions due to the debate we were having!  PLEASE DON'T DO THAT!  I
feel that the FML has been a terific source of information for me and my
babies (ferrets and dogs alike)  we are here not only for the fun stuff but
to learn all we can about everything to do with our animals care and safety!
I feel I have learned a h_ll of a lot here and I'm doing just fine.  It
isn't punishing BIG to cancel out it is punishing your babies and yourselves
too.  BIG and I have had a few private talks regarding all this and he has
been very understanding and supportive, also urging me not to cancel out due
to this.  Well I'm NOT leaving because I still have too much to learn and to
say!  I can't live w/o all those wonderful stories and I love to share mine!
I feel it is very healthy to be allowed to debate issues of any kind and I
have learned a lot off of private e-mail too since this happened.  PLEASE<
PLEASE>PLEASE do not leave us because of anything I or anyone else said!  It
isn't fair to you and your fuzzies and I don't want to be the cause of
something like that!!!!!
Thanks BIG for all your involvement! Thanks to the Cheeseman's and Meg for
your spirited debate!
Thanks to all that e-mailed me privately be it good or bad regarding this
Well gotta go because FANG is throwing all the poker chips on the floor (I
should've never taught him that dang game, now he's a real gambler!!!
Kelleen, David and the whole dang Animal House!!!!
Gotta run it's my ante!!!!!!
[Moderator's note: In case the above implies my postion on the matter - it
doesn't.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1279]