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Wed, 24 May 1995 22:14:58 EDT
MRS VALERIE J DARLING <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
Please help.
Crystal, my oldest, will be 7 in September. Save for a cold, once, she
has been healthy and happy all her life.  I got her as an 8 week old
kit and she is the joy of my life.
For the past few months she has started sleeping more and more. And it
is a deeper sleep. Sometimes I've had to shake her several times to
wake her.  This morning she had me in tears because shaking and yelling
weren't doing a thing.  Then, she coughed.  An hour later she went over
to the water bottle on her own.
But ... she is staggering when she walks - at least about 50% of the
time.  Other times she seems fine.  And ... I think she may be blind.
She used to bump into things as part of her dance of joy.  She doesn't
dance these days - but for past few days has been walking into walls,
furniture, etc. Not into us ... but my husband noticed she walks and
stops to sniff the air, walks and stops again.  This is new. He held
her and flicked his fingers at her face ... not even a blink.
We have an appointment with our (wondeful) vet next Thursday.  I'm just
Last summer we lost two of our four ferrets - one in July and one in
August. Summer is coming, Pumpkin, my adrenal kid, is getting more frail
by the day and now Crystal is ... well, she acts old or sick or both.
Talk to me, please!
[Posted in FML issue 1204]