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Sun, 28 Apr 1996 00:27:53 -0700
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (58 lines)
Linda Doran writes to say she doesn't understand what to do with California
F & G's "crimestompers/turn in your neighbor" 800 number.  I don't know what
the original poster intended, but here are three possible implications.
One of the net's typical responses to spamming (posting commercial ads in
newsgroups where they didn't belong) is for everyone to call the 800 number,
thus generating a huge phone bill for the spammer.  If you work out the
arithmetic, even a few percent response by everyone reading netnews could
cost an advertiser thousands of dollars.  It has been effective enough that
modern spammers are careful not to include 800 numbers in their ads.  I
don't think that would be particularly effective in this case, since a) F &
G is spending tax dollars to maintain this 800 number, and may not be
particularly accountable for the cost, and b) there aren't nearly as many
FML participants as there are netnews readers.
Another possibility would be for people to phone in all kinds of bogus
ferret reports.  Since violations in progress are supposed to result in a
warden being dispatched if available, *that* would probably cost F & G
significant money and hassle, but it wouldn't be without risk.  As Our
Fearless Moderator pointed out, with 800 number service, it is almost always
possible for the 800 subscriber to get the phone number of the caller,
regardless of caller ID blocking, etc.  Many 800 subscribers do not opt to
purchase this service, but I would expect F & G, a law enforcement agency,
to be quite willing to pay for this ability.  So if people called from home,
they would probably be risking a visit from F & G themselves, along with
possible prosecution for lying to a peace officer.  Calling from random
payphones would lower this risk.
Finally, if everyone on the FML called to tell F & G how much the ferret ban
sucks, I imagine it would have an unsettling effect on whoever answers the
phone, at least.  But if we're going to make phone calls, it would probably
be more effective to call one of the California Assemblypersons in the next
week to ask them to support H.B. 37, which is going to be voted on quite
The detailed information about what you can do to help is at
http://www.best.com:80/~kkq/.  For the three of you out there that don't
have web access (just kidding!), the basic deal is that you should "write
(or call, I suppose) to the Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee Chair and
Vice Chair, in addition to your own Assembly representative.  The Chairman
is: Dominic Cortese, 100 Paseo de San Antonio #300, San Jose, CA 95113.  The
Vice Chairman is: Bob Margett, 55 Huntington Drive, Suite 120, Arcadia, CA
91006." Also, the web page suggests, "remember, the person representing you
in the California Assembly is not the problem, DFG is, so be friendly and
polite in your letters to your Assembly representatives"
Even if you're not from California, a letter or call to one or both of these
guys would be helpful, especially if you tell why you turned down a
lucrative (i.e., high-tax) California job because of the ferret ban.
Happy Ferreting!
[Fearless Moderator's note: Even if you don't purchase the special option
to receive calling numbers instantly, you'll still get a list of all the
calling numbers with your phone bill.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1553]