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Sat, 30 Mar 1996 11:37:10 EST
Jan Lovell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
Here in Georgia, pet shops are inspected/regulated by the Agriculture
Department (800-282-5852).  Any complaints regarding unhealthy conditions
can be directed towards that dept.  (anonymously, if desired).  However,
there was a cut-back in personnel several years ago and the remaining field
inspectors were given larger territories.  When I worked in a pet shop, we
usually only saw an inspector once or twice a year, but in the event of a
complaint, that was handled ASAP.
I would suggest that anyone who is concerned about the conditions in a pet
shop, find out what your state regulations are and make a complaint, that is
if you don't feel comfortable discussing the situation with store personnel.
But please, for the sake of the inspectors, who have a lot to handle and no
thanks to show for it, be sure of your facts before you make a complaint.
On a side-note:
I still stay in touch with some of the people I worked with a few years ago,
and one of the store owners related this story.
A woman approached the manager to complain about a dead baby ferret in the
cage with several others.  The manager went back to the animal room with the
woman and tried to explain that there was nothing wrong with that baby - he
was just in a deep sleep.  "See?  He's still breathing." Apparently, the
woman was not satisfied.  Within 24 hours the inspector arrived to
investigate this complaint.  The manager promptly showed the inspector the
supposed "dead" baby ferret, who this time did wake up - with a bored,
"You-had-better-be-disturbing-me-for-a-good-reason," yawn.  So much for the
dead ferret.  The inspector was satisfied that nothing was wrong and went on
his way.
The story is still good for a chuckle, especially when related to a ferret
owner who has gone through the "O-MY-GOD!  My ferret's dead and he was fine
an hour ago" scare that we have all probably gone through at least once in
our ferret-owning lives.
Happy Ferreting,
Jan M. Lovell - Secretary
Georgia Domestic Ferret Association - Founded in 1989
Dedicated to a Better Life for Domestic Ferrets Through Knowledge and
[Posted in FML issue 1524]