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Wed, 27 Mar 1996 00:44:25 -0500
Carla Smith <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
Over the course of the last few months, Quidni would occasionally get a
couple of small, red bruises on her abdomen, which would fade within a day
or two.  Since she plays rough, and teases the others into playing rough
with her, I didn't think it was anything more than nip marks.  2 weeks ago,
all of my critters had a stomach virus, which caused diarrhea (brown, not
green) but did not greatly affect appetite or activity levels.  Quidni was
the only one with a fever (103 at the time) It responded well to
amoxi-drops, and Sunday night was the last night on the amoxi.
Up until this afternoon, Quidni was behaving/eating/looking normal.  Last
night, Quidni had a stool with a very slight reddish tint, and a very strong
rusty-iron smell.  When I got home this afternoon, she had absolutely no
energy, and felt hot to the touch.  She had also passed a tarry, black
stool.  I got her to Dr. Klein immediately.
Her abdomen is now covered with dark/bright red bruises.  She has a bruise
on her gums, also, and tests show she is very anemic (I think Dr. Klein
said her pac -sp?- cell value was half what it should be).  Her temperature
was up to 105.4.  She moves like she aches all over, will barely eat, and
just drinks a lot of water.  She's passed another bloody stool.  The lymph
node under her jaw, on the left side, is swollen and hard.  Dr. Klein is
doing some blood work, but we would like some ideas what to look for.  She
has been given sub-q fluids, amoxicillin, tagamet (i think) to protect her
stomach, and B12.
Is there a possibility Quidni has a blood-clotting disorder?  Internal
hemorraging?  from what possible cause?  Yes, Quidni is spayed, the vulva is
not swollen.  Dr. K has mentioned several possibilities, incl. ulcers, and
various hemolytic problems or infections, but can't find any single answer
which accounts for all of the symptoms, nor their sudden onset.
If there is any vet familiar with these symptoms in the ferret, we would
appreciate your suggestions on what to look for, and how to maintain Quidni
in the meantime.  The way she's acting, I'm really worried.  (scared, more
likely.) Please email directly to [log in to unmask], call me during working
hours at 915-774-1700 or 800-772-4328 or call Dr. Klein at 915-855-4100 if
you know what this might be.
Oops.  I really am not thinking straight.  I forgot to list my home phone
number - 915-852-1842.  I will take a collect call on this.
Please, if anyone has any idea what is wrong with Quidni, and what we need
to do, we would really appreciate the advice.
I'm afraid I might lose her.
Blessings to any who can help.
[Posted in FML issue 1520]