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Tue, 12 Mar 1996 01:16:36 -0800
Ken Loomis <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
Ok.  I was just layin' down fer a nap with Missy & Bilbo all curled up under
my chin.  Alright, so's they weren't really curled up, but they WAS
scamperin' all over me as I was layin' there.  As I was a layin there in
that kinda dreamie state 'bout halfway betweens sleepin'n'wake, I had me a
dang weird idea that just mights helps all those secret FLO fert agents in
California gets released from their bondage.  Just before I had this here
idea, Missy was lickin' on my ear and kinda woke me up.  So if'n it are a
good idea, we's gonna have to give her the credit, but if'n it ain't nothin'
more than silly enterainment, well...........you's guys knows who to blame
for that.
Well, here my idea.  It ain't much more than a little brain-bubble yet, so's
I'm gonna try real hard to spell it out:
        1) Dog & cats are illegal in most public places.
           (Kinda like ferrets are in ALL of California)
        2) Exceptin' fer special trained cats & dogs that helps
           out blind or deaf people.
Now I's a pretty new ferret person and I's still just learnin' how to have
fun with 'em.  If'n ferts ain't that dang trainable, well then I guess
they's gonna be one great big hole in this here plan.  But, if'n any of
you's old-time fert people could train a fert to dookie dance or bite a
sleeping person's ear when the door-bell rang or a fire alarm went off, we
just might have ourselves a legal way to gets ferts into California.
Maybe this ain't too bright an idea, so please just considers its source.
But before it done went the same way as most of my other brain-bubbles and
turned itself into a fart, I just wanted to get it typed in, so if'n anybody
knew what to do with it they could.
For now though, I's going back to sleep, just likes the smartest two around
here, Missy & Bilbo.
Just us crazies,
Ken & Missy & Bilbo
[Posted in FML issue 1506]