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Sat, 9 Mar 1996 22:43:52 -0800
Gary Holowicki <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (99 lines)
Here is a variation of "duck soup" that is known as Timmy's recipe as it was
developed for my Timmy as he struggled with "terminal lymphoma", lab
confirmed, and in Oct.. 1994 was given 2-3 weeks, and I was told "treatment
of no avail".  Fortunately I did not receive the lab report that said all of
this until 5 weeks and 1000 miles later when he was 85% cleared of the
lymphoma.  I'm very grateful to the vets and knowledgeable ferret people
that gave me ideas and encouragement thru that difficult time.  Timmy is
today very alive and doing well, I'm happy to say.  Hopefully it may be of
some use if you have a sick ferret, or simply want to experiment with
nutritional supplimentation.  I feed it to my crew every day, on the theory
that better overall health will help prevent many "illnesses".
Sincerely, Gary Holowicki;  [log in to unmask];  602-921-7080;  800-209-1071
        Timmy's recipe, updated 3/8/96
The following recipe is for 8 ferrets, can be refrigerated or use smaller
amounts as needed.
2     jars (4oz.ea.) Earth's Best organic Turkey Vegetable baby food
2     tsp. clover honey, or to taste (their approval taste, so they eat
      it). Optional if they eat it without.
1     tsp. Ferretone or organic flax seed oil
1     tsp. Lewis Labs Brewers yeast
1/4   tsp. powdered garlic    (NOT garlic salt!)
2-4   Tbl. pure water, as needed if syringe feeding, so it passes through
      the end.  I use a 35cc [feeder syringe], also known as a catheter tip,
      that has a larger opening.  I get mine from Colorado Animal Health,
      800-235-2636, in Longmont, Co.
3     cc Pet Tinic liquid vitamins  (Colorado Animal Health or Omaha
      Vaccine) 4oz for less than $5.00
1     30mg CoQ10 capsule (contents only)
800-1000  mg. Vitamin. C powder
100   IU of Vit. E
3     cc Colloidal Silver (500ppm) available from Silver Wings, 800-952-4787
1     heaping tsp. KMR (kitten Milk Replacement).  I've added this back
      as it offers additional varied protein & better taste.  Omaha Vaccine
      has it as low as $8.99/12oz in quant. of 6.
1/4 tsp. Special Care Electrolyte, Vit's, Minerals  & microorganisms
        (from Omaha Vaccine #06952..  800-367-4444)
1 tsp.  "The missing link" feline supplement by Petscriptions, Inc..
         800-774-PETS: 22% prot., 20% fat:= Flax, molasses, yeast, rice
         bran, liver, alfalfa, bone ash, carrot, fish meal, oyster, kelp,
         lecithin, taurine, ascorbic acid (Vit.C), garlic
I find that if things are in balance, it actually tastes good to me!  Feed
as much as they will eat, every 2 hours or so if sick & not eating on their
own.  I consult a vet with herbal experience, as well as certified DVM.
Prayer has been proven to help by studies at Harvard by Dr. Dossey, as if
most of us needed "proof".
A) If ferret is skinny, and / or not eating well, Deliver 2.0 high calorie
supplement (Mead Johnson=3Dmfg.) from any pharmacy would be added to approx.
30% of recipe by volume.  (Not a critical ratio.), Although my Silky
increased her weight about 1/3rd in 3 weeks when I gave her a cup
separately, without the Deliver.  She and Timmy will not compete with the
others for food.
B) If ill, would add 5-10cc per ferret per jar of baby food of Chei Shei
herbal supplement, and/or mix with 1/2 C.  water.  (I can provide purchase
info., though it's scarce presently.) Other herbal supplements such as
Matol's Km or PWS 2000 could be used as your knowledge could indicate.
C) If ill would also use colloidal silver as natural anti biotic & immune
system booster.  Depending on condition, have used .2cc up to 2cc/ferret
/day in single or divided dose.  (mine lick it right off the dropper).  I
mix it with maby 5% clover honey if they don't like it straight.
D) If ill, I would add 1/2 capsule 2x/ day /ferret of Immuplex 4960 by
Standard Process Co.  that Dr. McCluggage of Boulder prescribed for Timmy.
This might not be absolutely critical as Timmy was 85% healed by the time he
got to Boulder, but he also said that the last 15% of the lymphoma was most
important to get rid of, as if he slipped backwards, it would be much harder
to beat the second time.  I also found it available at a good health food
store here in Scottsdale.
This is offered as research information, not a guarantee or "medical
advice"; Consult your favorite health practitioner as appropriate, etc.
[Timmy is still eating the Kit Nips ONLY as his dry food choice, though
Turkey Pro Plan, Precise Feline, Totally Ferret & Natures' Recipe Feline
Mtce. are available.]
Their energy levels are up overall, and Timmy (who in Oct. of 1994 was
diagnosed with terminal lymphoma, & 2-3 weeks to live, for the newcomers),
currently is the last to want to go to sleep in some nice quite corner!  :)
His coat is a beautiful clear deep color, very soft, and bright eyes and
expression.  He currently wants hand feeding again, but I don't mind at all.
His weight is stable so I think it's just the attention & holding he likes,
though when he's had enough he wants down to run around.
Violence is not strength,  Compassion is not weakness.    From Camelot.
[Posted in FML issue 1503]