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Tue, 30 Jan 1996 16:06:48 EST
"Sandy E. Schieman" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
I thought today was going to be a really fun day.  Paw Paw got up this
morning and called his Boss and said that he wasn't comimg in today 'cause
he had a really bad 'cold'.  I'm not sure what a 'cold' is but, if it means
that my Paw Paw gets to stay home with me all day, it can't be a bad thing.
Boy, was I wrong.
When the ol' guy crawled back into the bed, I got so excited that I bounced
right off the bed and landed in one of his workboots.  Hey, who stole the
the odor eaters?  PHEW.  One of those dang cats must have been in here
Anyway, I jumped back up on the bed, expecting to play, and found that he
was completely 'conked' out.  I woulda' thought he was dead except for the
fact that he kept snorting, coughing, blowing and hacking.  I wonder if this
is what Mee Maw meant when she said that he sure acts like a big ol' baby
when he's sick?  If so, I sure am glad that there ain't no babies in my
house.  Paw Paw's enough for me.
He's been like this for hours now.  He just lays there like a big ol'
human-type speed bump in the bed.  I don't know what a 'cold' is and I don't
know if he's acting like a baby, like Mee Maw says.  I do know that he sure
ain't no fun today.
I finally gave up and crawled into his underwear drawer to sulk.  I even
dragged a couple of his tee shirts into the drawer to snuggle up under, in
case his 'cold' decided to get over here too.  I guess I really miss my Paw
Paw today.  His body is here but the rest of him ain't - if you know what I
I snucked out here to send this and to try to catch up on some of the mail
that we owe to people.  Guess I'll just have to send this for now.  I just
heard the Ol' Fert crashing around in the kitchen and muttering something
about chicken soup - whatever that is.  I guess he needs me.  Later,
[Posted in FML issue 1462]