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Fri, 29 Dec 1995 15:25:35 -0800
Gary Holowicki <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Dear Mike C:
My solution to your comment about you not liking to read a particular type
of post is to use the "page down" key on your keyboard, or use the scroll
bar to simply NOT READ IT!  I think it is grossly insensitive of you to tell
other people what not to do, simply because it is not what you like to read.
To also tell people what not to write because it doesn't agree with your
religious beliefs is just plain silly, as well as violates the first
constitutional amendment of free speech.  It also is not your place to tell
people what to write or not write here, as this is not a publication that
you own or "control".  If anyone has a "right" to tell anyone what is
"proper" or "acceptable" it is Bill, the moderator, as this is a moderated
mailing list.  That is part of what makes it so enjoyable that many people
stay up until it's released at night to "make their day complete"
It is not my intention to "flame you", and you are entitled to your opinion,
but in the same spirit of you telling other people what not to do, I think
you have no business telling people here what to write or not write.  You
make reference of "mostly strangers" as you obviously consider yourself.
Many hundreds of people have been on here for years, and do consider
themselves close friends.  They become that way by being a friend to those
in need, not telling them to go away because it is "upsetting".  Life is
upsetting very often, but we get thru it with the help from our friends.
        Sincerely, Gary
Violence is not strength,  Compassion is not weakness.    From Camelot.
[Posted in FML issue 1428]