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Sat, 18 Nov 1995 11:38:52 -0600
"John (Dr. Zeus)" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Hi everybody!
Lewis is so much fun to have!  So playful and curious...sometimes we just
can't quite keep up with him!  <grin>
We have more or less (heavy on the "less") litter trained him in his cage,
although he still misses and hits other places.  We've placed carpet all
along the bottom of his cage, since he enjoys it so much.  However, we have
noticed two things which I need comments/advice on.
    #1 - Every time we are here and he poos in the right place, we have
         given much positive reinforcement, including a treat.  Now, it
         almost seems as though he expects it.
    #2 - At night, when it's dark, he almost always misses his litter tray.
         Is this because it's dark (I thought they had a keen sense of
         smell,) or is it because we are not there to reinforce him?
    #3 - When we play with him, he seems to play something like "tag,"
         where he'll run up to you and then run away.  We play along with
         him by getting down and reaching out for him, etc.  I'm wondering
         what other sorts of games we can play with him and if it at some
         time he will settle to a poing that we can actually hold and
         cuddle him (during a quiet time).  Is that within their character?
I'd appreciate any advice that can be given.
  John (DrZeus)    [log in to unmask]    "We are having a heavenly time!"
   C. S. Lewis WWW page  <http://cc.usu.edu/~slq9v/cslewis/index.html>
        This message has been typed on a 100% recycled keyboard
[Posted in FML issue 1383]