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Thu, 5 Oct 1995 07:51:19 -0400
Lauren Sautner <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
    Thank you to everyone who responded to my question about Zaphod's hair
loss.  The common response weems to have been the possibility of adrenal
tumor.  (BTW I'm not sure if I made it completely clear where the hair loss
was--on the underside of his neck/chin area)
    I had read the adrenal disease FAQ and your response Dr.  Weiss (thank
you) and it seems as though if it IS an adrenal tumor, the only symptoms
Zaphod has is the hair loss.  He is as playful as ever, eats extremely
well, has all of his hair on his feet and base of the tail, etc.  I also
didn't mention that he is only about 4 1/2 months old.  Is an adrenal tumor
common in someone so young?
    If it is something other than a tumor like an allergy, does anyone have
any suggestions as to how I can tell what he is allergic to?  I'm assuming
it can be anything from litter to laundry detergent.
    Also, is there any kind of cream or medicine I can give him to help the
bright color of his skin and maybe sooth it a little?
    I feel like I have a million questions and as soon as I send this I'll
think of a million more so I'll stop here.  Thanks again.
[Posted in FML issue 1336]