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Fri, 8 Sep 1995 01:07:04 -0500
Edward Tepporn <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
Hello everyone.
My name is Ed and i posted a few messages about a month ago about my dear
and departed warm fuzzy Cilla.  It's been a little over a month now since
Cilla's death, and I think I have finally been able to come to terms with
it.  Reading everyone's funny stories about their loved ones brought back
some really nice memories of Cilla and I wanted to share them with you.
(if you don't mind.  heh heh.
First of all, someone had mentioned that their ferret would grab their
favorite toy by their front paws and scoot backwards. Cilla used to do
this with her brush, and she would try to back under our sofa. I guess she
liked being brushed so much she wanted to keep that brush in a safe place.
Either that or she hated being brushed so much she was trying to hide the
darn thing.
Cilla also was a firm believer in recycling.  She had a collection of
about 8 empty coke cans that she had stolen from our recycling boxes
stowed away under the sofa as well.  She also had a two liter bottle that
I saw her trying to steal one day.  It was so funny watching this little
ferret holding a two litter bottle by the top and trying to squeeze it
under the sofa.
Cilla had this wierd ability to find the cutest sleeping positions. One
day i found her sleeping on her back in her hammock with her two front
paws pressed together as if she was praying. Another day she had decided
she wanted a head rush and fell asleep on her back on the hammock with her
head hanging down. And yet another day she was found content as can be on
a nest she had made from yanking down half a roll of toilet paper (just
like in the commercial with the two cats)
My fondest memory of Cilla was when i was greeting a good friend who had
just arrived from out of town.  We were hugging each other and Cilla
decided she wanted some love and attention too.  So she came over by us and
plopped her head down on my foot and just lay there looking at me as if she
were saying "don't i get a hug, too?" This last incident happend about 4
days before she passed away.
Thanks to all of you for your support through everything and I look forward
to getting my new fuzzy (a light siamese female) in about a week or two.  I
know she will never replace Cilla but maybe at least she will make my
apartment seem not so quiet.  I've tentatively decided to name her Mika,
but we'll have to see if she likes that name or not.  My heart goes out to
all of you who have recently lost a loved one or who have loved ones who
are sick.
Thanks for listening,
[Posted in FML issue 1309]