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Sat, 9 Mar 1996 01:49:50 -0800
Ken Loomis <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
Well, last week my dang TV done quit.  There's a couple of shows I really
does miss, but these here ferts are more entertaining than even them shows.
So's I gets to thinkin'.  (yep, you's all in real trouble now) And I's
rememberin' those big old console type TV's that used to also have a built
in Hi-Fi turn-table thingie.  I's seen more than a couple of 'em at those
Goodwill stores.  They's usually pretty cheap, 'causin' there ain't often
much left in 'em that works, but they was kinda nice lookin' furniture
Well's, I done got to thinkin' that some bright person might be able to turn
one of them consoles into a fert house.  If'n this here crafty type person
were especially bright, I figger they could's even make it so's you could
look in that hole where the thrown away picture tubie thingie used to be and
watches your ferrets just likes you was watchin' TV.  Wouldn't if even be
dang near cute to have a remote controlie thingie that turns on a light
inside that there ferret TV box so's your visiting friends would looks at
you even more stupid than they's already do.
Well, if'n I still had me a garage and some tools, I'd be out lookin' fer
just such a thing for ol' Bilbo & Missy.  If'n any of my FML buddies gots
any ideas 'bout how to make such a thing safe fer ferts, I'd be happy to put
they's ideas together in a neat little package fer anybody that does still
gots some tools and wants to build such a thing.  Now, I knows most of you
can't hardly dang believe it, but I's really are a college educated type
person.  And if'n you's FML'ers will just send along your suggestions and
ideas, i'll even do up some blue-printie thingies 'bout how to make a safe
Fert TV House and send them out over this here Intenetie thingie.
Just us crazies,
Ken & Missy & Bilbo
PS.  I finally did send out the HTML file to those that asked for it.  It
was just my humble attempt to help you get to ferret pages with sound & clip
art.  It ain't nothin' fancy and it don't got no dancin' ferts or blinkie
words, but it do got some links to a few Ferret pages I done found and
thought was fun.  Somes got art & somes got sounds, check 'em out fer a
laugh er three.
If'n you wants to get to it without waitin' fer me to get around to sendin'
you the file, just go to the following web page:
One of our fellow FML'ers (Mr. William Waters) put it up on his'n web site.
        THANK YOU MR. BILL!!!!!!!!!!
If'n you have any problems, please let me know and I'll try as best I can to
helps you solve 'em.
[Posted in FML issue 1502]