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Thu, 22 Feb 1996 02:16:13 -0800
Ken Loomis <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (106 lines)
When I was still PF (pre-ferret) the FML was interesting & entertaining, now
that I am an FS (ferret slave) it is essential.  I never used to print them
out.  Now I print each edition, 3-hole punch it, high-light the articles I
want to re-read or comment about, and put it in a note book.  I keep making
notes about questions or comments I want to send along to the FML, but then,
these two are awake and I just can't leave them in the cage when they want
to PLAY, so I never get around to sending anything to the FML.
Fortunately, they seem to be on the same sleep/play cycle so I can still get
SOME work done.  If one of them ever decides to play while the other one
sleeps, I'm in deep doo-doo, 'cause I can't resist those pouty little eyes
staring out at me, saying, "Hey Dad, Can't I come out and play?"
Well, here's some catch up questions/comments I've had.  Please excuse the
silly stuff, I just can't help myself.  My friends think I've lost my mind
because of how gushy I get sometimes, but these two guys are the funniest
pair of comedians I've ever met.
Sleeping with these guys:
I work at home at the computer.  Sometimes I work all night since what I do
doesn't require talking to "normal" people that sleep at night.  And
sometimes, I'm doing business over the Internet with people in Sweden or
Australia, so 3am "my-time" finds them at their desk in the middle of the
work day.  So, I nap several times a day and am up at all hours, kinda like
right now, it's 1:30am and I just woke up.  Sometimes, when I dive into bed,
I'll snatch up one of these sleeping fuzzies and take him/her with me.  I'll
put this little curled up fuzzy under my chin and cuddle 'til they go back
to sleep.  A couple of hours later, which ever one I snatched up will wake
me up by running up and down beside my legs under the covers.
QUESTION/CONCERN:  Do you think I could roll over and hurt one of these
ferts in my sleep?
I LOVE popcorn.  I have it a couple of times a week.  Fresh popped in a
little oil, with a little melted butter, lightly salted, occasionally
sprinkled with parmesan cheese.  umm, umm, good!  ;-) (Not deep-fried and
dripping in butter like I used to eat it, this is the 90's, OK).  Well, I
never realized that some popped kernels were finding their way under the
cart where I keep my popcorn popper.  It didn't take the fuzzies long to
find those lost kernels.  They don't seem to eat them, but they grab 'em and
carry 'em around as if they were a prized possesion.  I'm sure they are
stashing these goodies in my mattress, which has already become their
favorite place to hide from Dad.
QUESTION/CONCERN: Is this an OK treat for them if the are actually eating it?
Treats/Nutrition/Balanced diet:
Speaking of treats, I've tried raisons (soaked in water) and grapes.  Not
much interest.  I gave them slivers of apple today and they loved them.  I
keep their food dish full all the time.  I alternate between Max-Cat
Nutre-Kitten (which is what the pet store was feeding them) and something
that looks like little brown pellets and came in a clear plastic bag with a
rubberband and has Marks-A-Lot handwriting that says "Ferret 3 1/2 lbs.
$4.99" and I have no idea what the heck it is and I keep forgetting to call
to ask, but I think it might be IAMS 'cause that's what I asked about when I
was in such a hurry to get these little fuzz-butts home so I could play with
them.  Anyway, they love these little brown "whatever-the-heck-they-are"
pellet thingies.  If I give them the Max-Cat stuff and this other stuff at
the same time, they dig the Max-Cat out and go for the little brown pellets
'til it's all gone.  When I fill their dish with the Max-Cat stuff, they act
like it's the only thing they've ever eaten.  So, I'm a thinking kinda
ferret dad and I figure they need variety, (Lord, I don't know why) and
alternate.  (Yup, my friends are right, I HAVE lost my mind!!!)
QUESTIONS: Are there any fruits/vegetables that ferrets shouldn't have?  (I
was once told not to feed avocados to parrots, poisonous to them!!!) How
much fruit/vegetable should they have?  I think they'd have eaten the whole
apple if I kept slicing it up for them.  I've read about the hazards of
chocolate, but one book mentioned red-licorice as a treat.  Can they have
candy?  If so, what should I avoid?  Am I doing OK with this "balanced"
variety of food?
BONUS QUESTION: Can anybody figure out what those little brown ferret food
pellet thingies are?
The smell of Ferret fur:
My two fuzzie-butts are supposed to be about 7 weeks old.  Both are nuetered
& descented.  Before I got them I had read many posts about the "odor" of
ferrets, so I was somewhat worried that it might be offensive.  I might well
be crazy, but to me, these two smell like sweet perfume.  Yeah, I guess you
could call it musky, but not offensive at all.  I love to nuzzle my nose
thru their soft fur, especially since my little girl has learned not to BITE
my nose.
QUESTIONS: Will their fragrance get stronger as they get older?  Will their
adult fur be coarser?
OK, OK, OK, I'll stop now.  I've already had my hand slapped once bore by
BIG's mail server for messages that were too long.  Besides, THEY are waking
up, and as much as I LOVE all my friends on the FML, these two little
fuzz-butts are the neatest, coolest, awesome-est.....................sorrry,
gotta go NOW, there is a pair of pouty "Can't I come out and play?" eyes
starring at me and I caaaaaaan't resiiiiiiist.
Coded Message for FLO:
We have taken our Daddy over.  He is completely under our control.  When in
cage, look pouty and playful.  Pretend to sleep when tucked in bed with your
human guardian.  When they snore, jump out of bed and run around doing
whatever you want.  Later, jump back in bed and wake them up as if you've
been there all along.  Treat popcorn as a prize, it makes them worry.
Long-nosed-sucky-thing is fun to play with as long as you stay away from tip
of nose while it is roaring.  More to follow.  Remember, always make the
humans think THEY are in control.
[Posted in FML issue 1486]