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Thu, 18 Jan 1996 20:47:38 EST
"Sandy E. Schieman" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (67 lines)
Tater and I read Erin's post about Bear being available for adoption in
Atlanta.  We also received the posts of those of you who were kind enough to
forward it to us, in case we had missed it on the FML.  We thank you for
taking the time to think of us.  We were very happy for a short time.
We have been very remiss in keeping up with the FML lately.  We've barely
had time to respond to the personal mail we receive.  Many of you who have
written to us have yet to receive our reply.  We apologize and ask for your
continued patience.  I've been working very long hours and, when I do get
home, Mee Maw is very busy using the pooter for her business.  I am sure
that she works at least as hard, if not more so, than I do.  Tater, poor
lil' guy, hasn't been able to get near the pooter for quite a while.
I digress. Sorry. I am very tired tonight. Please bear with an Old Fert if he
rambles a little more than he usually does.
Tater and I were very excited about the possibility of having Bear come to
live with us.  Mee Maw shot us down when she pointed out that Bear is blind.
While this fact made absolutely no difference to Tater and me, Mee Maw
quickly pointed out the fact that Bear's blindness might cause her extreme
difficulties in a home in which nine cats also lived.  She may have a point.
We just don't know.
Many times, in our postings, Mee Maw has given us permission to paint her as
the 'bad guy' - "Beacuse it's more fun that way".  We really don't think
that she's being the bad guy this time.  She has always been the practical
one in the family.  Tater and I tend more to being romantic and unpractical.
After all, I'm a poet; he's a ferret.  We think that many of you must know
where we're froming come.
We really need the advice of anyone who can help us.  Tater and I see no
problem with Bear's handicap, although we must admit that Mee Maw probably
has a very valid point.  Tater has free run of our bedroom at all times.
The cats are only allowed into his room for playtime and they are always
supervised - recently, at least.  Some of you may recall Tater's recent
adventure when he rode Thor around the room like a cowboy might ride a bull.
Tater needs a buddy to play with who looks like him.  I, and I'm not ashamed
to admit it, need another fuzzy to love.  Mee Maw wants a companion for
Tater too, as well as someone else she can love.  She's just very concerned
that things might not work out with Tater, Bear and the cats.
Please let us know what you think.  If Mee Maw has made a valid point, we
will pray that Bear is adopted into a loving and caring family.  Should your
experience indicate that Mee Maw's fears are ungrounded, perhaps you could
shower her with messages that point out the error of her thinking.  Tater
and I are just too caught up in our feelings to be able to make a rational
decision on this issue.
Tater just said to me, "I think youv'e made our point, Paw Paw.  Maybe it's
time to hush before the good people out there get tired of you.  Let's go to
bed now.  We can play for a little while and then I can snuggle up to your
belly.  I think we both need some rest."
"You are so right, Little Guy. How did I ever get by before you came along?"
"I dunno, Big Guy.  I'm here now, and that's all that really matters, isn't
it?  If Bear can't come to live with us, somebody will - and real soon too."
Goodnight, and fuzzy luv, from,
Paw Paw and Tater
PS: Has anyone heard from Bob lately?  Is he OK?  We are concerned by
his silence.
[Posted in FML issue 1449]