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Fri, 1 Dec 1995 04:01:34 -0800
Roger McMillian <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
As the editor of a Ferret newsletter, I can appreciate the monumental task
that the folks at Modern Ferret Magazine have undertaken.  Their product is
truly a labor of love.
I have not yet seen the Ferrets USA mag, but based on what I saw in
Critters, it's probably a highly commercial venture.  I understand it is put
out by the folks who do the "Fancy" publications.  Figgers.  Small wonder
they're only doing this one as an annual.  They saw the success that MFM had
experienced and are testing the waters.  Most of the pet magazines I've seen
are strongly commercial.  I'm just glad that TFH hasn't come out with a
ferret magazine.  All of their pet info and how-to books are filled with
commercials for their products.  MFM is new to the scene and they are
centering on ferrets, not crass commercialism.  Like a fine wine, they can
only get better with age.  To my knowledge, MFM is the only ferret magazine
out there.  All others are newsletters produced by ferret clubs & such.  All
do good jobs in getting the news out to their public.  Way to go, MFM
Roger McMillian, Editor-Off The Paw
[Posted in FML issue 1397]
[Posted in FML issue 1397]